Thursday, March 29, 2012


When you tie a noose, the rope is wrapped 12 times around because its the same length as a person's head...

OKAY...let's re-read that it 'til it sinks it...GOOD...ANATOMY 101...people are what???  DIFFERENT from each other...which means???  Their damn heads aren't the same either this idiot doesn't know a damn thing about the art of hanging people...or the poor bastard hired as the hangman hasta have a shitload of rope in various widths...and the process of finding a suitable rope is a timeconsuming endeavor...I've watched an assload of old Western TV shows...and probably just as many movies...that deal with people getting hung...for any number of reasons...and one thing seems to stand out above all else...the most necessary feature of a gallows hanging system...isn't the number of times the rope is wrapped around itself...the effective incident...the one that appears to make the body jerk...jump...and the sudden stop at the end of the doesn't seem to matter what the rope is made of...or how many times its's the rapid descent followed by the immediate stoppage that does the trick...EVERY TIME...if ya don't believe have the right to disagree...however...if you tend to think this subject is open for discussion...stop and consider for a moment the different sizes of peoples heads...Do you mean to tell me that the noggin' on Mr. Gwynne...Freddie to his friends...(Mr. Munster...know who I'm talkin about now...the guy who played the judge in My Cousin Vinny)...that guys head is significantly longer...or greater in length than just about everybody reading this blog...finding a rope thick enough to match this mega hunk of meat would pose a problem...yet I'm fairly certain that attaching a noose that doesn't measure up to the author's purported head length to rope width ratio...and submitting them to the sudden drop method described above...would end in the same result...I mean seriously...since when have nooses been considered out of fashion because they didn't match the length of the person's head who was wearing them???  NEVER...because the appearance of the noose itself is immaterial when it comes to performing a's a damn good thing this little  piece of information is completely erroneous...otherwise we would have another group of people to deal with who feel their ancestors were slighted...and who would probably also be jumping on the bandwagon of requesting some form of reparations for insufficient rope width being used in the life ending episode of their dearly's another way to further educate yourselves about the width of the rope used to successfully hang a time you're watching a show that involves somebody being special attention to the noose...especially when they place it around the neck of the poor bastard about to be hanged...9 times out of 10 you'll notice that the noose...once firmly snugged around the neck visible and comparable to the rest of the person's head...seldom will the hangman ensure that the top of the noose is equal to the heigth of the hangee's head...what you will notice is that the noose falls short...or is extensively longer...than the specified requirement...and it still performs the necessary function without forethought...somebody needs to put this method to the test...and I nominate the idiot who posted this piece of irrelevant information...all those in favor...AYE!!!