Friday, October 28, 2011


Men walk from their knees...Women walk from their hips!

Okay...Idk...maybe this is just getting too easy...I'm curious...did this little tidbit fall from space like Newton's it put forth by some self appointed biology savant with more letters following their name than in it...what kinda fermented grape gobbler came up with can see how it could be considered that our species walks  from the bends noticeably during the walking does the hip...however if a person of female gender only walks from the hip wouldn't half the population stumble around lookin like a buncha Brides of Frankenberry???  A whole gender of brace legged bimbo's who look like a flock of Forrest Gump's Floozies...There's alot more that goes into the function and process of walking...hips...knees...ankles...toes... not too mention motivation...I can't imagine a healthy female being constrained to walking strictly from the hips...let alone one who is pregnant...with twins...double the horror...double the hell...end up lookin like a female version of the Michelin Man and Stay-Puf the Marshmallow Maiden...can you imagine the consequences of this being factual...cheerleaders would look like blonde eyed...goosesteppin'...Nazi lawn gnomes...hell even prostitution would be a non issue...can you imagine Vegas crowded with lock legged ladies of the night...tryin to earn a buck...loitering around in a cluster...stumblin down the Strip like Sisters of the Scarecrow from Wizard of wouldn't need stirrups in the Delivery Room...they'd be replaced by contraptions that resemble bar spreaders...and if that weren't bad enough...findja a nice chica with a back problem and an think the T-Rex from Jurassic Park was scary...unleash this beast some Saturday @ a mall in Japan...the natives will run helter skelter from the front doors...screams of "Godzirra" will be heard all the way to China!!!  You know how I know this little tidbit is false???  If women walked strictly from the hips...they'd have no would be able to run at twice the speed of bitching...making speech by the female gender null and void!!!  LOL!!!

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