Saturday, October 29, 2011

Herman Cain

Here recently a new face and voice has emerged as a candidate for the Republican Presidential Mr. Herman Cain...who as some of you may already know is the former CEO of Godfather's Pizza...a nationally known CORPORATION...which as has been well documented throughout the life out of economic growth for each and every personal entreprenuer...small business owner...and tax paying low to middle income family in our country...what Mr. Cain has is NO different from any past...present...or future candidate/nominee for the office of President...a horrorifically misguided catchphrase that is fueled by politically motivated mass 90% of the population in America are presented with a new tax plan to consider...Mr. Cain's 9-9-9 flat tax plan...'What the hell is that?' you might be wondering...and in the famous words of some sci fi movie I vaguely remember..."You Are Not Alone"...when the Godfather Pizza Guru/Wannabe White House Hopeful has been asked to explain in detail the effects his highly touted tax plan will have on the American people and economy his response has never varied from the...'Look the other way while we ass ram another failed idea up the poop chute of every self proclaimed patriot' response of..."run the 'rithmetic"...this poses 2 significant problems...1) the 90% of Americans this tax plan will adversely affect will do...a) Absolutely nothing...b) Stand on the sidelines where they've grown comfortable and complacent...c)Stare blankly @ their empty pocketbooks while wondering how such a travesty was allowed to be committed...or d) bitch, moan, groan and complain endlessly...and had they taken action when it was possible...needlessly for the 4 years of his term waiting patiently for the next hot air ass bag to announce their intentions to run for President and rectify the now fuckification (that's an off camera Dubyaism) of America the longer Beautiful...our country will then carry the connotation of a hot chick you see at the bar from behind..."Nice Body...Butt 'er Face"...the 2nd significant problem with the 'run the 'rithmetic' that with the Republican Party's obsessive attempts to ruin education in this country...not one of the 90% who will be affected will have the wherewithall or the tools to 'run the 'rithmetic' as Mr. Cain requests.  Herman the Hungry has taken an all too familiar advertising tactic and applied it to his new tax plan in an effort to obtain the same results Corporations hope for when they roll out a new product...having been in sales...and having used and abused this tactic several times myself I am all too aware of what's in store...grab a Godfather's Menu...if you happen to have one of these handy...if not that's okay...any old menu will do...doesn't even hafta involve open that many items can you find with a listed price ending in double zeroes...such as $5.00...or $12.00...if I know what I'm talking guess is you won't find a single one...they all end in what???  I KNOW...I KNOW...OH..OH...PICK ME!!!  They end in double 9's...for example...$4.99...or $11.99...why do they do this???  Well the answer is simple...zeroes trigger the conditioned human mind to view the prospect of making the purchase...NOW...rather than wait for a more affordable time...think it doesn't work...let me into your house with a product I believe in...when I'm thru with you you'll have written a check...felt good about making the purchase ...without so much as realizing that the product I presented you with...demonstrated to you...and offered to you at the unbelieveable rock bottom price of $2,399.99...was something you more than likely wanted...probably had thought of buying at one time or another...couldn't afford at the present moment...wanted to invest in at a later more appropriate time...blah..blah...blah...and guess what???  I'm shaking your hand...congratulating you on making a wise decision...thanking you for your patronage...smilin at you...your wife...your kids...patting your obnoxious nut sniffin, drool bucket, four legged, fur bearing, house pet as I exit your domicile with a signed card contract for the purchase...ultimately who benefits from this transaction more???   The consumer???  EHHNT...wrong answer...The Salesperson???...that's strike 2 Johnny...the pitcher is ahead in the count...Or the Corporation that produced the product...advertised the product...and continues to make a profit everytime a unit is sold???  DING! DING! DING!  What's he win Carl???  An all expenses paid trip to the poor farm...complete with cash hoarding Congressmen...Corrupt Corporate Law...and the bitter taste most commonly associated with the anal bleeding after effects of prison rape!!!   Wake up America...Mr. Cain's 9-9-9 flat tax plan is the direct equivalent of Godfather's offering a medium pizza @ large pizza first glance you might mistakenly believe you got the better hindsight you're gonna be fighting with family members over the last piece because there wasn't enough to go around!!!  Here's another way you can test my theory...I do this all the time...mostly because I'm on a shoestring budget...for those of you who are unfamiliar with that term it ass can hardly afford time you go grocery shopping pay extra special attention to the items you purchase...take specific note of the items you buy unnecessarily (items not on your shopping list)...determine what triggered you to toss them into your cart...I'll bet dollars to donuts there was a sales tag involved...for instance...I'm standing in the bread aisle...scanning the rack for a loaf of bread...I'm not particular...bread is bread...the packaging is different...product...basically the eye catches the displayed sales tags...which are always what class???   More prominent...Bigger...and Bolder...drawing your attention from all other similarly displayed products...the sales sticker I'm lookin at says 2/$4...Immediately the human brain does the simple math and almost screams echoes in your head...WOW WHAT AN UNBELIEVEABLE DEAL...this company's bread is normally $2.79 a I'm saving $1.59 if I buy these 2 loaves of bread TODAY!!!   Here's where every American needs to resist with malice the "Urge to Splurge" as I call it...the overpowering desire to place said items in the cart and continue on to the checkout counter...and here's why...if you take 5 seconds to peel your gaze off the sales tag...and scan left to right...up and down...9 times out of 10 you'll find other loaves of bread...from different companies...displayed along the glance @ the smaller tags associated with these "Off sale" similar products...what you will notice is that Brand 'B' bread is sold at an every day price of $1.49 a loaf...that's a total of $2.98...$1.02 cheaper than the advertised sale price of Brand "A" some of you may be particular in your loyalty to specific brands...and to those people I say..."Wasting money has obviously been a time honored tradition in your family since before you tossed away thousands at a school of higher learning, therefore you should be condemned with overexpenditure for your assinine excesses"  More often than not Brand 'B' bread is made by the same company as Brand 'A''s just packaged under a different name and company logo...the parent company has elected to dupe you by purchasing the smaller company and keeping the name intact..."Oh Hogwash Henry...that can't be true...what proof do you have to back this up?"  Here is a shining example from the cell phone world...Verizon sells prepaid phones and offers talk and text packages for those phones starting @ 'X' amount of dollars...X being Greater than or equal to 'Y'...Wal-mart sells these same prepaid cell phone packages under the Verizon name...nothing wrong with that from a Corporate standpoint...more Points of Sale results in...More profit for said company...however Wal-Mart also sells an off brand of prepaid phones for cheaper...along with cheaper talk and text plans...under the brand name "Straight Talk"...which is A) An entity in the cellular communication world all it's own???  B) Something you NEVER get from a person with political aspirations??? or C) a subsidary of the parent company Verizon???  That's right folks...the answer is altho the product offered under the parent company logo looks like a higher quality unit...the truth of the matter is regardless of which product you take to the check out counter...the end result is the same...behind the scenes the Corporate monster continues to chew thru your pocket change...gobbling up more of your money thru the loopholes allowed in the Truth in Advertising before you go casting your lot with a 9-9-9 flat tax frontman...consider for a moment if this item is right for you...or if it's a genuisly disguised 'grab the money and run before the 'rithmetic gets figured out' program concocted by an individual so far out of touch with mainstream America he couldn't find toilet paper if it were stuck to his ass!!!

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