Thursday, October 20, 2011

Strange Law Archive

North Dakota has rejected a law to erect signs warning motorists not to throw human waste onto the road side, for fear the signs would discourage tourism.

So that's what they think would discourage people from visiting the state of North Dakota eh?  It couldn't possibly be the overall appearance of the place...flat...I mean flat...think Wile E. Coyote...Acme Anvil backfire...cliff dropping...canyon floor flat...that's North's the Welcome doormat to to Nome Alaska and the North Pole...No Dak is the 3rd coldest place on the planet...there aren't any mountains...very few hills and even fewer trees...trees must have been a status symbol amongst No Dak farmers @ one time...because the only place you ever see them is on the north and west sides of old farmhouses to try and serve as a windbreak...even Christmas trees are improted...the hills that dot the landscape here and there are probably the result of motorists throwing human waste onto the road side from as far back as the covered wagon days...even then nobody wanted to stop in that can drive for hours in that state without seeing another living thing...grass gas stations...even the wind howls thru No Dak screaming along on its way to Minnesota...I doubt very seriously that human waste flinging warning signs are the real reason for the lack of tourism in that state...North Dakota is the plaid pant wearing, bib droolin, bastard step child of the United States...people don't go there to visit...people end up there because of 2 reasons...A) They either haven't embraced technology and purchased a GPS or Smartphone with Navigation...or B)  The individual driving the car wants to prove that his manly instincts will get them out of this mess by that little internal "I'm not lost goddamn it...shut your mouth Edith" compass which has deposited their Arizona bound asses somewhere north of Mt. Rushmore yet south of Moose Raping me out of all the states North Dakota is my 51st favorite...that's right 51st...I'd grant Puerto Rico statehood before I'd visit the...human fecal flinging fear factory of North Dakota again...a note to lawmakers the damn signs...hell you can plant one every 3 feet along every major highway...there are 2 of those...and I'll guarantee nobody notices...they'll still drive thru at the breakneck speed of "Get me outta here damn it this ain't funny"...and if you're venturing that way in the near future please...please get a map or a GPS...the last thing you wanna do is end up at the intersection of "Boy you sure gotta purty mouth" and "the place Truckers go to get raped"    This is a link to my online Amazon store...for your shopping convenience!  Click on this link, then add to your favorites!!!

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