"Soldiers Disease" is a term for morphine addiction. The Civil War produced 400,000 morphine addicts!!
Remarkable...our founding fathers used morphine exclusively as a pain reliever...and as a former patient undergoing surgery...lemme assure you there is no better pain reliever on the market...it is however highly addictive...so let's set the record straight...since the discovery of this continent...and it's subsequent settlement our country has fought in several wars...each of them producing a dependency on narcotics by those fighting in them...for one reason or another...and yet after signing a blank check...up to and including the sacrifice of life for fellow countrymen our troops are then brought back to the 'world' they left only to become addicted to a substance sanctioned and utilized by the powers that be during times of conflict...and then they are criticized for developing an addiction...they are shuffled thru a system that no longer has a use for them...released to civilian life...where they are then harassed...arrested.,..and charged with possession and usage of these addictive substances...think the Civil War was singularly responsible for such a heinous act...think again...cocaine at one time was used as an anthestetic...opium has also been used on the field of battle...as well as marijuana...seems to me the War on Drugs little Nancy Reagan initiated...has been going on for quite some time...and over 90% of it can be directly related to an act of war...think our boys over in the middle east are taking tylenol to ease their suffering??? 'Highly' doubtful...Afghanistan is the world's number one producer of opiates...and are heralded for their production of the Kush marijuana strain...our prison system is loaded with former veterans...as well as relatives of veterans...are they given consideration for volunteering to go where those condoning the war exempt themselves from??? Not for a moment...war...is hell on earth...it's not a video game where once you die you tap a button and respawn to resume fighting...it's all out kill or be killed...this war we're fighting now is very similar to the last 'conflict' we were engaged in...there is little to no support for these brave men and women who risk life...limb...and a life of normalcy stateside...on a daily basis...very seldom do we hear any news from the battlefield...it isn't front and center on any major newspaper in this country...as it should be...what is more common is regular slash and dash news...these people do NOT question what the purpose of the war is...they do NOT refuse assignment to hostile environments...they do NOT sit behind a desk in our nations capitol comfortable against the catastrophe of exploding IED's...personally I think if an individual volunteers his/her time...possibly their life...the loss of limb...physical disfigurement...PTSD...and the horrors of war...when they come back home...if they wanna take morphine...smoke opium...inhale a little high grade marijuana...they are surely entitled...and until one of these bloated money hungry...limp wristed...skirt wearing...sissy assed...politicians drums up the nerve to enlist and serve his country before his own wants and desires...they can brush their teeth with the crusty anal drippings of a fat...sweaty bastards plumbers crack...and floss with the shit covered ass hairs when they're done...I don't see how a select group of people in office can initiate a problem on another continent...bring the people back home when it's all said and done...and then lay blame on the citizens of the country who elected your sorry ass in the first place...I've never really understood that whole aspect of the drug problem in this country...it's okay for you to see a doctor...complain of an ailment...recieve a prescription for a highly addictive substance like Oxycotin...go home...pop a pill for pain...that ends up creating a bib wearing...glassy eyed...drool bucket...incapable of cognitive thought...laying there helpless and hopeless...yet if you run down to the corner and buy a sack of weed...which causes people to go home...hide in their bedroom to get high...play video games...watch and laugh at documentaries that aren't funny under normal circumstances...develop a hunger only a fat kid in a bakery would relate to...raid the fridge...mix up concoctions like waffle dogs and chili...eat greedily with steel mesh gloves on so you don't accidently bite off the tips of your fingers...and you apparently pose a greater threat to society than the bonehead on Oxy's who can't even spell their own name...it's without question the most hypocritical act our government could commit...Heroes don't wear capes my friends...they wear dog tags...and if those individuals...who...regardless of my own political beliefs...I hold in the absolute highest regard...decide they'd like to hobble home on the one good leg they have left...mount a bong to their wheelchair...and attempt to light it thru the efforts of one hand and the inability to attone for the lack of depth perception losing an eye has created for them...I say Leave them the hell alone...they have paid their dues...they have offered to pay a price most Americans would shy away from...they deserve every bit of comfort we can afford them...and if it happens to come thru the use of illicit drugs they were doctored with during the ultimate fight for survival...it is but a small token of our gratitude for the sacrifices they have so willingly made!!! Wars may have produced drug addicts in record numbers...however involvement in the mockery of our government has produced idiots addicted to being the biggest shit sniffin assholes the world has ever witnessed...I had a TSGT in the Air Force who said something I will NEVER forget..."Troops I will NEVER ask of you what I myself am NOT prepared to do"...I'd follow a guy like that thru the fires of hell...he was the epitome of a true leader...these assbags in Washington will NEVER attain the characteristics required to lead a nation...let alone a squad of soldiers...they lack the intestinal fortitude that is mandatory to become successful!!!
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