Nearly 87% of all people polled were unable to correctly identify an unlabeled copy of the Declaration of Independence...
In the words of Gomer Pyle...SUH-PRISE...SUH-PRISE...SUH-PRISE!!!...hell that doesn't even ruffle my feathers...that damn piece of paper has been misinterpreted by 100% of politicians hoping to exploit it for their own personal gain...hell I'll bet without the benefit of yesterday's shared common knowledge...several among you haven't a clue as to how many signatures are on that document...or for that matter how many actually signed it on July many didn't sign 'til the following August...and who's signature was missing until November of that year...I wouldn't be the least bit shocked if you told me over 50% of all people polled misidentified the Declaration of Independence as the Constitution...and vice versa...this is an all too evident example of what is wrong within our country...NOT enough of the 99% give a rat's ass to educate themselves accordingly...they accept everything they are told in the mass media as an inevitable need for an ever changing society...what's the percentage of all people polled who have been paying attention the last 16-20 years...who realize that the government currently in power...has been systematically raping each and every one of us of our rights as guaranteed in the Constitution...I'll wager it's less than the 99% who are complaining about inequality among the sure can't expect to embrace fundamental change of government practices if you're unprepared...ill-equipped...and uneducated in the terminology of the documents they are obliterating before your very eyes...sad to say...but I firmly believe this country is headed further and further in the direction of a tyrannical/totalitarian form of government...simply because too many of us fear rockin' the boat...and fear...when instilled it has been for quite some time by the good old boys in what affords them the ability to continue to move forward...people in this country are all too concerned with the insignificant things that they miss the things that are many of you reading this are aware of SOPA...what it stands for...and what it entails should it be passed into law??? I'm guessin' no where near 87%...and all tho it drives my point's all good...because whether you're aware of it or's going to be played out in such a fashion your inherant ability to ignore it will be adversely effected...SOPA stands for the Stop Online Piracy Act...when taken at face either of the aforementioned documents...appears to be of great benefit to all e-commerce business owners...however...when dissected...and interpreted by each sub-category...this bill...if passed will put an end to the freedom of the internet as we know it...again...following the course of previous 'societal benefitting' bills...see Patriot Act...which by the way is an oxymoron...similar to Military Intelligence...there isn't a damn thing about it that describes Patriotism or any function thereof...SOPA is littered with enough loosely worded lingo to effectively give those in positions of power the authority to determine what sites you are allowed to also gives them the authority to track everything you do on your computer...whether from the privacy of your own home...or in a public venue @ an internet cafe'...thankfully a handful of the 99% who have determined ENOUGH is ENOUGH...have taken it upon themselves to make a stand for those of us standing idly by quivering in our boots over the outcome...they go by the online hacktivist group known as Anonymous...who have already provided some of us the foresight to witness their abilities to follow thru...first hand...I have no doubt they are completely capable of making good on their would behoove each and everyone of you to prepare yourselves to carry out everyday tasks...we currently take for ways the generations before us were accustomed to...pens and paper...or dig out your old typewriter...shit's gonna getta little hairy...I sure as hell hope none of my readers fall into the 87% who can't correctly identify one of our countries most heralded documents...if you find yourself among this plethora of pinheads...I implore you to utilize the internet to further educate yourself...I mean in the hell can you run thru your daily lives...absent of mind...ignoarant of events...adapting to the laws and whims of others without so much as having the wherewithall to know what the f*ck is being voted on...this shit affects us all...this problem grows expotentially on a yearly basis...back in the '80's you paid for things by cash or check...occassionally you threw it on a credit card and signed for it...a new era of identity theft and fraud was the '90's you paid by cash or credit card...occassionally paying by check...and the internet was people no longer had to rummage thru garbage to steal your identity...they just needed to hack into a the last decade...over 70% of U.S. purchases were made by swiping a piece of plastic...of those almost 50% were for items totaling less than $25...which no longer even require a signature...or were processed thru an online partner program like PayPal...Google name it...requiring an electronic signature which amounts to pressing a button that acknowledges your agreement to terms...up until this year I didn't even have a bank account...I was one of the last holdouts...requiring from my employer a standard paper check...why??? Because bank accounts are backed by the Federal organization that requires NOTHING of substantial importance to back the paper money they distribute...yet deems access to your personal finance records as prudent to effectively run a wanna know where my hard earned money goes...either employee me...or offer me something I want to buy...otherwise get your nose outta my ass!!! Unfortunately I was forced to convert in order to keep my job...and was issued a debit/credit card upon opening an account...since that occurrence I've put this little program to the test...rarely...if I sign my name to any slip resulting from a transaction...I've signed those slips with every name imaginable...except mine...and do you think for one minute I have ever been refused service...questioned...required to cancel purchase and resubmit it for proper signature identification??? NOT one single time...I've NEVER so much as been contacted by my bank...asking for verification of these falsely signed slips...I've signed names like Huckleberry Finn...Santa Claus...Elmer why hasn't anyone caught on??? Same reason 87% can't identify a prestigious document like the Declaration...because it has become insignificant in the grand scheme of things...society has been brainwashed into believing that expediancy results in progress...a mere glance at a document...or slip of all that's required to process the information required to continue on with our daily life...ask yourself many of you sign...prepare...or process an item on a daily basis without knowing exactly what it entails???Damn near each and everyone of us...somebody approaches...hands us a stack of papers...lets it be known they need these prepared...signed...and processed by yesterday afternoon...we receive them eagerly...flip thru them to the signature block and without more than a customary glance at the letters forming words on the page affix our signature...and don't say..."Why I never do that"...don't compounds the issue thru denial or lying...hell more than half of you have used your credit/debit card @ your local gas station...@ the pump...requiring no photo evidence of who you signature to validate the purchase...and how long has this been going on??? Well since the signing of The Declaration of Independence...consider for a moment...when the Declaration was drafted this country was in it's is estimated that there were 2.5 million people residing in the new country in the year 1776...the first official census recorded roughly 3.2 million in 1790...however 56 signatures adorn that document...56 people got together and decided in which direction this new country would embark upon...the same thing applies today...NONE of us are asked to vote on these bills...our opinions are NOT required with regards to how we expect to be treated...or how we envision our government to act on our basically what this tidbit tells essentially 87% of us are entirely happy with wandering thru life oblivious to our surroundings...current events...or how they effect our daily meanderings...and that is disgusting...we owe it not only to ourselves...but to future get involved before it's too late...if it isn't already...also take note of this represents a fundamental flaw seldom seen on any other continent...or basically in a nutshell enlightens us to one very disturbing...undeniable fact...of the 87% named hasta believe this incorporates all walks of well as governmental...which in retrospect means that somewhere near half of all people currently holding political office...or a weapon of war on foreign soil...have no idea what they are governed by...or what they are fighting for...and that my friends is say the least...make an effort to educate yourself beyond the realm of what the corrupt few in control deem appropriate for the multitude of minions...if you choose to remain've NO One to blame but the ghostly image of mortality that faces you every morning in the mirror!!!
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