Canada is the largest importer of American cars...
Well of course they are...they wasted what money they had to build auto manufacturing plants on a dumbass UFO launching know why NO other country is a major player on the American import cars??? Because they have standards are cars here in the states can't live up to...that's why our auto manufacturers either have plants overseas to accommodate their stringent standards...or they just don't give a shit to do business with us...because their cars get better gas mileage and cost less...we are a gluttonous nation...always complaining about the price of gas...and the piss poor MPG that brand new cars offer...what we need to do is wise the f**k up...big business in this our auto manufacturers dump millions of dollars into lobbying efforts in order to keep standards for MPG in American muscle lenient...then they fall apart because they can't compete with the Japanese auto makers...and the government gives them are hard earned money...that we paid in they can bail their asses out...what a f**kin buncha bullshit...think if you or I had a businesss that was on the verge of folding...the government would extend us a loan...NOT even if we could guarantee repayment...I personally instructed my Momma to buy a Toyota...because I'll tell ya what...they don't give a shit about us...and we shouldn't give a shit about them...I'll NEVER buy another American made vehicle as long as I live...matter of fact there is a lot of American made shit I won't drop a dime on...I doubt I have a single electrical device in my house that is made in America...maybe light bulbs...and a toaster...oh and the coffee pot...other than that...I buy shit that works...costs less...and was shipped overseas from another country...because apparently NOBODY in this place gives a damn about pride in their work or craftsmanship...As far as the vehicle situation goes...the Top Ten list of best fuel efficient vehicles on the market...lists the Ford Fiesta SFE as the best American made car... capable of 40MPG Highway...and where does this piece of sh*t come in...#5...actually tied for 4th... but the other car I like there it is #5...from the oldest American auto maker...#5...ya know what #5 is??? don't even get an honorable mention for coming in fifth're the 4th loser...I know most of the time you guys come here for a bit of humor...and most times I do try to find the lighter side of things to comment on...but somethings tend to crawl up my leg and dig around in my ass...which makes me ornery...and this is one of them...and it pisses me off even more because NOBODY does or says a damn thing...the car companies throw money at the Senators and Congressmen...these people relax the laws that their funders want to circumvent...then the politicians sit back and vote themselves another raise...and the world goes round and round...I wouldn't piss turpentine on the whole lot of them if ya bunched them up and set them on fire...let Canada have all the American made cars for all I care...hell for that matter...move Ford, Chevy and GM north of the border and decline their services here in the states...I mean why NOT...Toyota and Honda...those auto manufacturers from remember...that little island nation that built Zeroes during WWII and damn near decimated the entire U.S. Navy...well instead of tryin to kick our asses with planes...they're building better cars than we can...right here on American soil...Toyota has even infiltrated NASCAR... that's right folks...Toyota from Japan...has cars racing on the NASCAR circuit...does Canada??? NO... because you can't race what you can't produce...does Canada even have an auto manufacturer to call it's own??? Who cares really...once ya get that far north...its snowmobiles and dog sleds...they could probably import 1 American vehicle a year and qualify as the biggest importer...the models that are sold here in the states aren't the same models that are sold overseas...they're too big...bulky...and inefficient...our government would have you believe they are doing everything in their power to decrease our dependency on foreign energy consumption...but instead of passing bills or enacting legislature against the manufacturers of the biggest consumers of foreign energy...they decide to start small...and schedule phase out programs of the incandescent light bulb...which by the way is a very inefficient light source...wasting between 90 - 98% of the energy it requires in order to produce light... however...if I did my math right...I've spent significantly less on electric bills...and replacement bulbs...than I ever have on a vehicle or gas prices...there are so many things pathetically wrong with the way this country operates...I'm often surprised we aren't speaking Mandarin I know there are some of you who are probably saying to yourselves...'Boy...Kevin sure has an anti-American outlook'...and you couldn't be more wrong...I'm NOT anti-American...its called... Antiestablishmentarianism...which is defined as...a policy or attitude that views a nation's or society's power structure as corrupt, repressive, exploitive or unjust...and that seems to be just the tip of the iceberg for those blowhards in Washington...nevermind the auto industry...I say ship all the cars... incandescent light bulbs...and corrupt politicians to Canada...let them sit up there and blow smoke up each other's asses while waiting to use that...Oh so clever creation...the Canadian UFO Launching Pad...until the next Ice Age comes along and opens a big old can of Whoop Ass on their whole global warming agenda...ya know...ya think I'd be in a good mood...I am afterall going to the Tigers game tomorrow afternoon...THANK YOU MOMMA!!!...and I am in a generally good frame of mind at the moment...but sometimes the piss and vinegar that's been fermenting inside me just comes pouring out...I am however very thankful to all of my readers...because you all have heard me rant and rave before about the government...and other American if I come up missing you better damn well know I didn't go to Canada to buy an American vehicle!!!
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