Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Approximately 75% of human poop is made of water.  The human brain is 85% water...

Okay folks...for the 3rd day in a row I will attempt to address this little topic...apparently my brain went into hibernatic relapse while Momma was on the process decided to change all the functions and features on the backside of this program I am on right now...can't ever leave shit alone...water or no water...always gotta be changing shit around...Now I wanna know who the hell came up with this information...and more importantly...WTF have they been eating???  Look here's the thing...all creatures...big and small...come equipped with two seperate and distinct waste removal devices...some are located relatively close to each other and on drunken occassions might be understandably mistaken for one another depending on the angle of perspective...LMAO...while others are quite a distance apart from one another and can't possibly be mistaken for the's an's an outie...regardless of which pair you came equipped with...they provide a necessary waste removal process that is imperative to your overall well is for the expulsion of liquids...and the other is for the evacuation of know those things that contain very little water...remember those things...ya learned about them in histroy class ya dipshit...add a little f**kin meat to your diet...some tofu or somethin''re startin to think like a jackrabbit ya lettuce munchin herbivore...why do they call themselves vegans...or're a roughage consumption container...defined by archaeologists and scientests as...HERBIVORES...get used to it...humans shit in water approximately 75% of the time...the other times can't be helped...and that's what socks are for...and sudden stops along major freeways in New England...but hey that's a topic for another day...this idiot has obviously NEVER been constipated enough to need a shoehorn to alleviate the situation...I dare say I coulda used a little additional help in the form of fluid to ease the process a time or two...course there are exceptions to every rule...and gall bladder surgery is one of them...or at least it was for the author of this response...yours truly...I have NEVER wanted a colostomy bag so bad in my entire life...I couldn't eat meals for quite some time without a direct unobsructed flight path to the porcelain poop chute extra pair of socks and a change of clothes also came in handy from time to time...and it is during moments like those that you experience the aftershocks of surgery that cause earth shattering explosions to unexpectedly erupt from the darkest caverns of caca...75% water is something you pray for on a daily basis...Please Lord...I've had alcoholic episodes with more consistency...give me strength...give me sustenance...oh hell...hand me my socks wouldja...lotta help you are there...All Seeing One...missed the call on that little adventure didn'tcha???  There are other exceptions to the rule but they normally involve momentary battles with undigestible Mexican or Oriental food...and normally last less than a day depending on how fast the cat, rat or dog moves through your particular system...on an average basis...and under the proper healthy diet...absent any abnormalities suffered as a result of emergency surgery...the water ratio of human defecation shouldn't be anywhere near 75%...otherwise you wouldn't need could just wiggle and shake like a dog and be done with it...apparently this poor bastard needs a little more caca in his cranial cavity to clear his thoughts and absorb some of that excess water...funny thing is...even if it were would only serve to further my efforts of disspelling rumors about our once and for all proving that Washington D.C. is the raw sewage center...for shitty the good Ol' U.S. of A!!!

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