Friday, May 4, 2012


Ghosts tend to deteriorate after about 400 years... know what that means don'tcha???  Since we as humans...cease to be able to recognize apparitions after the age of 7...a new ghost can last for 57.142857 increments of 7 year intervals...ya know...I don't get it...paranormal experts...are generally over the age of 20...and into adulthood...yet they admit people loose their ability to see ghosts after turning 7 years old...and NOW...those same ghosts...are out living Sequoia's...gimme a break...if you could prove that ghosts got to hang around here for another 400 years after they had shucked their mortal shell...there wouldn't be Suicide Hotlines...DUMBASS...we'd all want to die as quickly as possible and there wouldn't be any humans left...because...let's be honest...who the hell wants to sit around this cesspool...payin' taxes for 100 some...holier than thou...shit for brains...hypocrite can practice politics you don't agree with...and who wants to work 50-60 years before they can retire...ANYBODY???  Didn't think so...I mean...sounds to me like bein a a much better way to enjoy this planet...NOBODY alive can see you...they'll say they can...but they're 7...who's gonna believe them anyway...and next year on the little bastard's birthday...the Ghost Goggles get put on the second he blows out his candles...stay away from children in...or below the 3rd grade...just to be safe...because some of us were quick learners...that shoulda graduated a lot earlier...but our parents didn't think being intelligent was cause enough for elementary advancement...NOT once but twice...I'd like to know who the hell came up with this tidbit of information about...Incubi...Succubi...and cambions...(quick...what's a cambion???)'s a half-human offspring created by an Incubus and his earthly female the tale of King Arthur...the mythical version...NOT the factual...was such a creature...his father was said to have been an incubus...while his mother was a mortal human know who invented ghosts??? can't catch a seed spilling ghost now can ya...NOT unless your 7...the theory goes...that as far back as...GHOSTS...have been recorded...the male version...or Incubi...mates with human women...impregnating them while they birth to half-human...half-supernatural offspring...(I know what you're thinkin'...BUT Kevin...this doesn't mean that GHOSTS don't exist)...OH YEAH...well then...WHY is it that only women are able to give birth to these beings???  Human men that are visited in the night by Succubi...don't stand in court rooms across America...beggin' off Child Support...because you can't prove the child's mother exists...and you have NO possible way of sending the money to her only makes sense...SEX...has long been considered damn near every civilization and society on the is an act exercised behind closed doors...and in privacy...for the most part...Hot Tub and Toga Parties excluded...HEY...don't judge me...When in Rome...or in Roman as the Romans did...F**k in public...anyway...because of this Taboo-titude towards acquiring animalistic carnal knowledge...(don't play dumb...they don't call it...Doggie-Style...because humans invented it)...our ancestors didn't experience the act of sex the same way modern people do...well I can't speak for everybody...some of you may still be doing the missionary know that time honored traditional method...commonly shared by priests and alter boys...our ancient ancestors committed the act more out of necessity...then for enjoyment...they needed to raise children to help with the labor around the house and sexual interludes were often kept to a minimum...and only entertained when they served a purpose...that is until the human mind began to evolve...and some among us began to have...wet dreams...nocturnal emissions...they needed an excuse to explain what the ghost theory started...the Succubus was first...a female ghost...that snuck into the human males bedroom at night...and caused them to spill a million swimmers on their sheets...eventually Carnal Caveman Lust crept back into the picture...and men decided that the...Ghost Theory...could also be applied to women...and offer an explanation for how pregnant...betcha didn't wake up this mornin...get your coffee at Starbucks for just under $20.00...and rush into work thinkin' you were gonna learn somethin' new today didja...I know...I know...that's a lot to SWALLOW...(that's what the Succubus said)...but ask yourself this...especially those of you employed in the chosen career field of legal issues...How come GHOSTS have NEVER been accused of anything else...GHOSTS don't...KILL people...they don't ROB people...they don't ABUSE children...they don't HARM animals...they don't COMMIT tax fraud...they don't CRIPPLE economies and BORROW more money from other countries that they NEVER intend to repay...they're NEVER convicted of DUI...DRUG POSSESSION...or PUBLIC EXPOSURE...all they have EVER been ACCUSED of is RAPING women...therefore...ANYONE seeing a either in DENIAL about being RAPED...or is a 7 year old Paranormal Sexpert...and they don't call them GHOSTS at that age anyway...MOMMY always refers to those guys as 'UNCLE________'....I've provided the evidence...You fill in the blanks!!!

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