In Georgia, crosses may be burned on somebody else's property, if you have their permission...
Hmmm...seems to me that if this tidbit is correct...and the US History books that were issued while I was in high school had any merit...there are several charges that would be pending...if it weren't for the statute of limitations associated with non-violent crimes...I know...I know...cross burning ceremonies are normally associated with the taboo's of slavery...but the actual flaming of a cross does not pose the same problem as hanging...and was therefore considered less offensive...kinda like callin' overly obese people...BIG're NOT necessarily being offensive with your commentary...just passively poignant in your description of their condition...I doubt very seriously the slaves of the day back in the glory days of the rebellion would have had much of a complaint if they simply had crosses turned to ash in their front yards...hell the majority of them woulda gladly given their permission in exchange for being allowed to LIVE...sadly that was NOT the case...kinda tragic really when you think about it on the grand stage of the global environment...we run around the world helter skelter sticking our noses into other countries businesses involving the MISTREATMENT of select ethnic groups...and yet we can't even clean up the crap that clutters our own shores...we are seriously full of ourselves within the confines of our own borders...cocky buncha bastards actually...fortunately for me I was raised by parents that did NOT discriminate against a person due to skin color...many of my childhood friends had different shades of skin early as I can remember I've had black friends...brown friends...white friends and red fiends...a few yellows here and there and a handful of gorgeous bronze hued beauties...I was also provided with the extremely unique opportunity to reside in an area of America where I was considered the MINORITY...and was treated as such...they may not have burned crosses in my front yard...but they didn't have to...the message of hostility and possible harm was well received...and until you SURVIVE those conditions you have NO idea WTF you are talking about when it comes to discussions of racial bias and I HATE those people for the way they treated me while I was living on their island...NOTTA bit...if I have learned NOTHING else throughout the travels of my youth...the one significant piece of street wise education I was able to suck out of all that mess is that IGNORANCE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES...and that TOLERANCE is a better virtue to have int he bag than PATIENCE...patience can getcha killed...tolerance allows you to move on without remorse...I include myself in this equation as well...for have we NOT all tuned in daily to hear berate the idiots that provide us the fuel for the upcoming fire...that's because I ABHOR people that have more common sense in the head of a pimple on their ass than they do in the cranial chamber atop their I HATE them enough to go on a killing spree...or enough to establish a band of good ol' boys to wipe them off the Earth...NO...I just have less TOLERANCE for their inclusion in everyday they need to be slaughtered to prove a point...NOT necessarily although I am sure I could argue in favor for it if pressed...but it wouldn't be such a terrible idea to isolate them...let them have their own the lepers when we placed them on Molokai...we don't hafta eradicate them...just prevent them from PROCREATING and compounding the problem...we can start with the fine folks of Georgia...especially if this law is still on the books...because if history has NOT taught them the travesties of their ancestors then they represent part of the core problem that is seriously outta whack in this country we call home...I'm sure that there are those that would like to see me shoved off in some remote corner of the world...left to suffer by my own devices...but that is NOT gonna happen...because ya can't bottle up whatcha can't catch...and if I can outwit them on these pages...they don't stand a chance in person...have a fabulous weekend...CONGRATS TO THE TIGERS...WHO AS OF THIS WRITING WERE KICKING THE SHIT OUTTA THE LIFELESS YANKEES...AS ANY TEAM WITH THE PASSION TO CLINCH THE PENNANT SHOULD...BRAVO BOYS...TAKE IT ALL!!!
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