Racehorses have been known to wear out new shoes in one race!
Interesting...racehorses are like some people I know...who wear out my patience in less time than it would take a racehorse to complete a lap. Honestly tho...this is a somewhat misleading statement...not false...just not complete in its divulgence of related information...kinda like the government wrote it...it sounds like somethin Dubya would say in the middle of an address..."People of America, since my Presidency has ended, eh huh, uh, uh, there have been um, huh, Racehorse have been known to wear out new shoes in one race, but uh, there haven't been any, um eh, uh, WMD found in uh, um, Iran...I mean Iraq" Interestingly enough the basic info contained in the tidbit can be verified...however what they fail to mention is that racing horseshoes are not the same as regular horseshoes...high-heeled horseshoes...work horseshoes...or Sunday worship horseshoes. racing horseshoes as one might expect are made of different materials...space age polymers...light weight alloys...the lighter the shoe...the quicker the horse...or so the theory goes. I dare say your prize blue ribbon pony wouldn't even make it around the track if they were fitted with Clydesdale Clodhoppers. Horseshoes never really made sense to me...where did horses come from originally?? The Mall?? No they came from the wilderness...they are wild untamed animals...like cows...oxen...or any other beast of burden...why is the horse the only animal we see fir to shoe??? There aren't any cowshoes...oxshoes...donkeyshoes...only horseshoes...and what did these poor animals do prior to being captured by humans...don't tell me they ran around freely...across the Great Plains... frollicking.. .playing...grazing...without any shoes on their feet...my god that's ridiculous...who ever heard of such a thing...my dog doesn't wear shoes...my cat doesn't complain about cold feet...did anybody ask these poor animals if they even wanted shoes??? This brings me to another related point. I was watching a show the other night on NGC or History where these animal rights activists were going apeshit over the cruel and inhumane way the villagers of this Nordic island somewhere up around iceland, would drive pods of pilot whales into shore where the rest of the community waited with hooks...grabbed them thru the blowhole and beached them...slaughtering them for meat...because the islands they live on aren't fertile enough to provide much in the way of vegetation or farm animals...so these activists decided they should get involved and try and do something to protect these helpless animals...when asked why they felt it necessary to interfere these fuckin genuises gave this as their primary reason...Because animals are living breathing creatures...and as such should be provided with the same rights we as humans have come to expect...life...liberty...without cruel and unusual punishment...they should not be made to suffer...we as humans should be outraged and do whatever is necessary to ensure these creatures aren't needlessly slaughtered...NEWS FLASH...these creatures are just as guilty of cruel and unusual punishment...as you put it...ever watched a pod of whales hunt food...they circle a school of fish...THEIR FOOD SOURCE...group it into a ball and drive it up to the surface where they then feast until that school of fish are gone...ever watched big cats hunt...they chase down and slaughter the WEAKEST four legged morsel of flesh they can find...I'll stop eating cows...pigs...chickens...sheep...when you ignorant bastards find me a plant made out of MEAT...these people are STUPID to say the least...their argument doesn't hold water...personally I don't care for failed International programs like PETA...buncha damn plant eaters anyway...I have my own message for PETA...I won't shove my views and ideas down their throats as long as they don't try to shove salad down mine!! I'm gonna eat red meat...fish...chicken and pork...until you PETAtions teach these poor animals to shoot back...can you imagine if all we had to eat was plants and had to wait around for animals to die naturally...scavenging the carcass like a buncha vultures? So horseshoes shmorshoes...I say let the damn things run around barefoot...seems to work just fine for them in the wild!!!
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