If you earn twenty thousand dollars a year, one minute of your time is worth a little more than seventeen cents.
That much huh??
That's absolutely amazing isn't it...here is a little more of the math equation used to figure this little tidbit out...and btw it actually comes out to 16 cents a minute...but who's gonna argue over a penny...you will if you're smart...in order for that to calculate out...and individual would hafta make $9.62 an hour...that's a whole $2.22 an hour more than the minimum wage in the state of Michigan...which is $7.40 an hour...or using the same formula...12 cents a minute...$7.40 an hour translates to roughly $5.33 an hour after taxes...or roughly 8 cents a minute...that's pretty pathetic if you ask me...the average person...which according to some bloated statistics collected and stored by some money grubbin political blowhard...average means 90% of Americans...spends (wastes apparently) 12 years of their life in school learning all the things the government wants you to learn in order to keep your ass comfortably in line...to turn a mind boggling profit of 8 cents a minute...and yet here we are living in a country that preaches the equality of all men...really??? Some of you might say..."But wait...Kevin...are you trying to say that all people in this country aren't treated equally??? That can't be true for we are all given the same opportunities in life to succeed" If you honestly believe that bullshit...stop reading right now...take a deep breath and hold it...I'll tell ya when to let it out...you have obviously consumed your alloted amount of air on this planet...keep holdin it in there old blueface...You don't make money in this country unless you're born into it...the gap between the classes has grown wider and deeper than even the Valles Marineris... how is that possible??? Well it starts off with corruption...rich people hire lobbyists to tempt political figures such as Senators and Congressmen to pass certain bills...bills are wannabee laws...with so many damn riders attached it looks like an overcrowded trolley on a San Francisco street...these laws are voted on and often passed without so much as a thought to any of the riders on said bill...these riders more often than not have an affect on the lower and middle classes but don't even come close to disrupting the upper class...widening the gap...Congress and the Senate have become privvy to this widening of the gap...are directly responsible for its creation and continued growth...and they like the view from the higher side...which is why they vote themselves a pay raise...lifelong benefits...extensive retirement packages...you name it...and where does the money come from to pay these bastards...that's right out of our pockets...these sonsabitches don't even have a figure head that leads them...no owner per se...no CEO...the American people are the ones footin the bill for these fuckwads...You and I should be in charge of what they get paid...if they get benefits...or a retirement package...what this fucked up country needs is a Second Civil War...not so much an actual cannonball and musket...blood and guts battle...but a strong anti government movement...you know like they had in the 60's...it needs people to organize...band together...take over one state at a time and secede from a failed Union...it's the only way to disband a failed entity like the Federal Government...sounds far fetched...maybe a little out in left field...I can guarantee you that the first state to secede from this Union...abolish all Federally mandated laws...operate it's own government with its citizens in mind first and foremost...will triple in population within a month...creating so many jobs that before they can all be filled the population will again double...creating a domino effect in the other remaining states who will take note of these proceedings and race thru the secession process in order to keep some of its own fleeing citizens!!! The problem is most citizens haven't the means to stand up and resist an oppresive government like we have in this country...because all those fuckin riders on the bills that have been passed make it ever increasingly difficult to exercise our Constitutional rights...let alone our birth rights...and the world spins round and round...and the rich get richer...and my ass hairs get more and more knotted...LOL...have a great day!!!
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