"You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test." Dubya
Apparently his "No Child Left Behind" program aims to put the youth of our country on the fast track to politicizationism...so that they too may one day confuse their parents and the entire English speaking world from a pulpit in Washington D.C. I know if I were the most powerfulest man in the free world I would want the small people, from Kindergarten all the way up thru 3rd grade to learn how to read and understand words I made up while in office so that him or she could not only pass a literacy test but would also be able to addify and substract things in the field of mathematical number havin sentences! Dubya's biggest problem with quotes and speeches is that he wasn't the beloved skipper of the N.Y. Yankees during a period of their heyday! I haven't seen the English language get so systematically murdered since Yogi Berra started doing interviews! I am actually surprised that Disney didn't throw a boatload of money at this idiot once he left office...can you imagine the financial windfall...the overnight upward swing of Disney on the stock market...tickets for the Dopey...Dumbo...and Dubya show woulda fetched a pretty penny...probably enough to settle the National Defecit...this guy was in office for 8 years...and during that time not one person in his inner circle...tapped him on the shoulder...pulled him off to the side after one of his addresses...and said "Hey Georgie...that shit you're reading off the teleprompter...it sounds like a 2nd grader in West Virginia wrote that crap...either hire someone to write speeches who doesn't wear a bib...or just stare blankly into the camera...trust me the people of America, Americans, will think that you are studiously deep in thought...it'll be mindboggling...a side of you they've never seen before...you're ratings as President should double overnight and peak at around 23"...nope...those closest to old Dubya simply decided to let the old boy spin in the wind...if we as citizens go absolutely no other benefit from his 8 years in office...we can be forever grateful for the lifetime of material he left for us to use as fodder for pages on the weekend!!!
Keep 'em coming chaunman!! You are angry and cynical and well informed, makes for one great read, thanks!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome Anonymous reader...glad you enjoy it...come back anytime...and thanks for replying with a comment...always nice to hear from those that visit the site!