In the first month of the Bell Telephone Company's existence in 1877, only six telephones were sold.
A true model of persistence and perserverance...I don't know if they still exist today or not... I haven't heard of Bell Telephone Company for some time now...I do remember when they were found guilty of operating a Monopoly and had to break up their company and sell off bits and chunks...but can you imagine being a salesman for Bell...I was a Kirby vacuum salesman for about a year and a half in the 2000's...I can't imagine walkin around trying to sell telephones to people across do you go up to somebodys door and pitch that little idea...Good Day folks...allow me to introduce name is Ichabod Turner (I.T.) I just happen to have this fancy new gadget I'd like to show is all the rage in 5 homes across this great country how would you like to be the 6th? Now what this here thing will do is let you call up to 5 other people you've never met and talk about all the things you don't have in common. Here's the catch folks...if you buy this little contraption from me now you'll be the 6th sale this year and with nymbers like those you can see how this thing is gonna snowball...within the next 3-4 generations every house in America will have one...and within 5-6 generations everybody will carry one in their pocket...I can't imagine trying to sell that thing back in 1877...there weren't even enough telephone lines strung up to make a damn call farther than the next room...and look at us now...first it was the automobile...every family had to have @ least was a status symbol...then families started downsizing and yet found it necessary to purchase a 2nd vehicle...they were the rich folks on the block...then it was tv's...every family had to have one...then 2...then 3,4...however many rooms a house had we needed a tv in each it's computers and even more so cell phones...there was a time in this country when a family would vacation together...they would pack up the old vinyl wood sided grocery getter and head off to a beach or the mountains...they would get all the way to their destination unpack and find out they left something @ home...they would get mildly upset say a few things..."DRATS...I left my hair gel @ home...and my swell comb too" and that was it...on with the vacation...nowadays try goin on vacation with someone...hell offer to run across town with somebody who hasta be @ an appointment in 15 minutes...they'll get hurriedly ready...forget to eye make-up over one eye...wear 2 different colored socks a polkadot miniskirt with a plaid shirt hair in a bun...rush out the door hop in the car...get 10 feet from the door to the building they need to enter in 2 minutes, reach into their purse to turn their cell phone to silent...realize they don't have it...stop dead in their tracks turn around and fly back home to get it...our society and its citizens have become entirely too dependant on technology...I don't need a phonebook anymore...have no use for a landline phone...the USPS may as well go bankrupt I never send anything thru them anymore...and over half the shit that clogs my PO Box is's SPAM on damn computer can weed out the shit I don't want from my inbox...but good old Bertha down at the East Jordan Post Office can't seem to figure it out...they shove that shit in everyones box and yet place a recycling bin next to the the middleman should I demand my cut in this chain of unnecessary events??
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