In Athens, Greece, a driver's license can be taken away if the driver is deemed either "unbathed" or "poorly dressed".
Oops! No more running to the grocery store in sweats!!
Aren't they still runnin around in a horse drawn cart...who the hell needs a license for that? Now a place where that law would come in handy is a little closer to enact that law in New York City...or Washington D.C. and you could probably settle the National debt thru the issuance of citations...most of those cabbies wear the same goat herdin garb they washed up on shore with...maybe if old Abdullah bin Hamzid al Shabazz had to wash his damn clothes once in awhile he wouldn't be so upset with the infidels in America...he wouldn't hafta run around smellin like camel cum and goat shit...and maybe he'd decide to wear jeans and a t shirt instead of a dynamite vest and a turbin...altho on the other hand...if we forced them to bathe then we wouldn't be able to spot the towel headed terrorists until they were flyin planes. As for Greece and it's unbathed population of feta cheese munchin mediterranean midgets...I don't see what the big deal is...there can't be too many terrorists runnin around the Pantheon prayin to Allah...aside from Xerxes nobody has even thought of invading this little island nation...apparently because the drivers there are too clean and well dressed...not because there isn't a single thing worth having on that maybe ouzo...and I'm pretty damn sure we can make that shit in some other part of the world if we absolutely have to...personally I don't give a shit what you wear when you're out drivin around...or if it's primary concern is whether or not you possess the mental capacity to operate that damn thing efficiently...clean clothes and a bath doesn't make you a good driver...some of the very people I know wouldn't be good drivers if they were decked out in a 3 piece suit and had rose petals streamin out of their!!!
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