According to Scientific American magazine: if you live in the northern hemisphere, odds are that every time you fill your lungs with air, at least one molecule of that air once passed through Socrates lungs.
And, God knows who else!!
Excellent!!! Now after all these years I have actual proof that all those years of school were for naught... that or the aforementioned magazine...Scientific American is written and staffed by an assload of people who never attended a science class in their life. What is one of the first things we are taught about our earths atmosphere...that it is made up of the basic elements needed to sustain life on this rock full of Rain Men...people breathe in what...OXYGEN...air...and exhale what class??? A) Molecular Socratecal Sputum...B) Water...or C) Carbon Dioxide...that's right Carbon Dioxide...which as we all know is...harmful to humans...making it physically impossible for your northern hemispherical humanoid lifeform to fill your lungs with air once shared by a Greek philosopher from some couple thousand years ago...unless of course you're vegetarian...that hybrid human lifeform...half plant half meat...capable of completing the carbon cycle and emitting your own little oxygen factory...I mean seriously...if our Scientific community actually ok'ed the printing of this misleading information we are in for a rude awakening...even if it were possible for Socrates to inhale and exhale air without it changing into Carbon you know how remote the possibility is that you breathed in a molecule of shared air...its about as likely as your ugly ass ending up naked in a jacuzzi with the entire Swedish Bikini Team...if you live in the northern hemisphere...especially the United States of America...your ass has a better chance of having eaten a fish that has swam thru my urine...because unlike Socrates who according to modern science has shared air with everyone...I...relying on recollections of fact rather than the hypothesis of some Ivy League Idgit...can confirm that I have relieved myself in numerous streams... creeks...rivers...and lakes all across this country...what a buncha morons...these are the same geniuses who have figured out that time stops inside a black hole remember...the definition of science oughtta be...dumbass theories and shit we made up to explain things we couldn't possibly no the answer to until the real answer makes itself known...everytime ya turn around these jackasses are rewriting something they took as fact...spent countless years and billions of dollars proving only to have it challenged... disproved...even shit on before they admit they really hadn't a fuckin clue...they were just guessing and hoping for the best!!! Politicians...Lawyers...Doctors...Scientists...and the Weeble Wobbles from Wendy's Drive thru Window...5 career fields I wouldn't waste money gettin into...buncha dumbass dumpster divin for new info crackheads anyway!!!
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