Forty percent of American adults cannot fill out a bank deposit slip correctly...
I can't think of one single reason anybody should find this amazing...given the plethora of misinformation we have encountered in our daily journeys thru these tidbits it has become apparent 40% of American adults are Olympic Gold Medal contenders in the shallow end of the gene pool...and the next generation is going to be even worse...take a look around...I'll guarantee you over 50% of graduating the male persuasion...can't even fill out a damn pair of pants correctly... underwear covered asscracks gleaming in every class...these wannabe gangsta...hoodrats are only gonna be good at one thing...filling out unemployment know in my day and age our main concern was...are my pants long enough...we lived in fear of being ridiculed at school for coming dressed for a flood...whaddaya call this little fashion statement..."Low Flow-ers"'s no wonder they have trouble filling out a simple deposit's in English...instead of texting hard can it be...Name...account amount of what you would like to leave the bank without having in your pocket...I mean hell you'd hafta be some sorta mental equivalent to pocket lint to get that wrong... in all honesty I blame this on the advancement of technology...and the piss poor education system that has swept across's just one took place about 14 years son Matthew was 4 at the time...he came home from his B4 class after having taken a field trip to the library...he was ecstatic about being able to bring home books...we sat down with one of his selections...I believe it was a Winnie the Pooh my absolute amazement and astonishment he opened the book and began 'reading' it...word for word...I was completely speechless...Here was my 4 year old son who had barely begun preschool not missing a single word...I asked him how he knew how to read...they taught us today in school was his I put it to the test...writing a few sentences down on a piece of paper...needless to say Matthew was unable to decipher anything I had written...even words he had just previously read aloud in the book...when I asked him why he didn't know the words he said...because you haven't read them to me yet...he hadn't been taught to read...he had been taught to memorize the story in accordance with the should go without saying that I had a rather pleasant conversation with his preschool teacher about her current teaching hindsight most likely a 40 percenter continued right thru highschool...they no longer teach kids how to use their grey matter to figure out problems...what they teach is how to use any and every advantage available in order to complete the task at hand in the shortest amount of's a damn disaster...teachers in my opinion are no different than politicians...they want more money every year and less workload...these kids graduate today with book smarts and computer literacy...but without a single solitary cell of common sense or street smart/street stupid was the term we used to use...they haven't a hope in hell of functioning outside of their chosen career what's that tell ya??? Any idea??? It says that right America...60% of the population went to school prior to the Information Age...Old Skewl...if you will...40% of their offspring have obtained a highschool diploma thru the miracle of modern technology...the ability to use graphing calculators to compute the correct answers for them on EXAMS...what are they being tested on??? Clues??? Hints??? Nobody...okay I'll tell ya...they're NOT being tested on whether or not they KNOW the material...they're being tested on whether or not they can manipulate the correct buttons on a calculator in order to produce the answer for them...and why is this happening??? Because technology is advancing at such a rapid pace that the human mind is no longer required to formulate ideas...thoughts...or opinions...for it's has become necessary for the mind to memorize keystrokes according to what they want to accomplish...and that ratio...60/40 rapidly heading in the other direction...the kids of today are being trained for jobs that don't even exist yet...kinda makes ya wanna drop your pants to your thighs...hike up your skivvies to cover your ass...and act as clueless as a hummingbird @ a bear bait pile when it comes to filling out those pesky bank deposit slip thingamajigs...don't it??? Take and I...altho possibly from different generations...are being phased out...the only people NOT getting paid... are the ones working...Work Smarter/Not Harder has become the war cry of our children...and they hold the future...can you imagine what our grandkids...our great grandkids are going to live like??? Hell by then paper money will actually be a collectors item...if they don't enact a law forbidding ownership of it...because it will no longer be used...think I'm kidding??? Show of many of you have a bank account??? your hand up if you also have direct deposit from your employer...and now only those who have a debit card that has visible wear on the magnetic stripe...keep their hands up... WOW...looks like more than 40% of where exactly is all that paper money being kept??? It isn' too is being phased out...slowly but surely...kinda scary when ya think about...60% of us know how to properly fill out a bank deposit slip...yet have no use for it...the other 40% haven't a clue as to how to fill it out...probably because you can't do it with a keyboard yet...and @ the same time they've no idea their paper money is about to be exchanged for a piece of plastic they can then use to pay for almost everything...hell my child suport gets directly deposited into an account somewhere and I was issued a debit card for it without ever filling out a single piece of paperwork...I predict that within the next 20-30 years credit cards/debit cards will also be obsolete...people will pay for things thru fingerprint analysis...eliminating credit card fraud...while at the same time creating some of the highest prices ever on the black market...I clock in @ work using a 6 digit pin number I created...probably a good thing it wasn't over 7 I mighta had to write it down...and my a real bitch I ever lost that little fella in some weird digital decapitation accident...what would I do then??? Probably hafta resort to thumpin a mushroom stamp on the old time clock just to punch in and out...LOL...seriously tho folks...don't let the numbers scare's all for the betterment of mankind...according to your government!!! Have a Great Day!!! BTW...the numbers have been updated...just in the short time it took you to read this the ratio is now 41/59%...did you feel the shift???
I use to work for a bank. People would call and ask why their check bounced. I always wanted to tell them DUH because you had no money in your account! Ask them if they know how to use a checkbook register and they had no clue as to what one was! I worked for an airline and flights were canceled due to weather and they would say book me on another airline then! Like the weather depended on what carrier it was. How about someone reading me their PNR number (not a nmuber its mixed with letters) and the lady said Q as in cucumber! People are idiots!