Richard Milhouse Nixon was the first U.S. President whose name contains all of the letters from the word 'criminal'. The second was William Jefferson Clinton...
Well now...isn't that interesting...George Walker Bush on the other hand contains all the letters of the word 'shrub' acronym for his last well as a defining example of the individuals intelligence level...unfortunately his middle name wasn't would've been far more fitting because then his name would've contained all the letters for 'bugshit'...thereby more effectively describing the ideas that crept into his big...empty...noodle like noggin during his it any wonder that GWB couldn't find WMD in IR...AQ...oddly enough William Jefferson Clinton's name falls 2 letters short of spelling out Monica Lewins(ky)...and George Walker Bush falls one letter short of spelling out Shor(t) Bus...and Richard Milhouse letter short of spelling out Dic(k) Head...and here's something really interesting about the 2 Presidents whose names contain the letters to spell out 'criminal'...Richard Milhouse Nixon...contains all the letters to spell out 'I had sex'...while William Jefferson Clinton contains all the letters to spell out...'I am not a liar' letter short from being able to spell out the infamous phrase 'I am not a croo(k)' if you combine all the letters from all 3 President's given names you can define each of their Presidential terms...'I steal from others'...I shot a load on her dress'...and 'I can't learn english'...coincidence??? Tricky Dick...Slick Willie...and Dubya...kinda sounds like the original title for Two and a Half Men...if it had been about a coupla STD's and a new term for Dementia...almost reminds me of the story...The Three got caught leaving tape on got caught leaving stains on whores...and one got caught finishing daddy's couldn't steal the secrets of another couldn't keep the other party a secret...and one is still wondering...what f*ckin' party??? Hell you throw in a bib droolin' peanut farmer from Georgia and whaddaya have??? The Four idiots from Metropolis...Superhuman of retarded do ya hafta be to organize an inside job and forget to include the SECURITY GUARD...that makes about as much sense as trying to rob a bank thru the bullet resistant Drive Thru window...and Billy Boy...WTF were you thinkin'...if you're gonna get caught using the Oval Office as your tramp stampin' some research...platinum blonde Playboy Centerfolds seem to be the only acceptable excuse for adultery...for Pete's sake...I'd rub one out with 80 grit sandpaper before I'd bang a dumplin' munchin'...double bag Diva...(the second bag is to cover your head case hers breaks)...on the White House desk...I mean...holy shit...I know Hillary's hideous...looks like Great Grandma Death...but if you're gonna abuse your Presidential powers the least you could do is point the business end of your abdominally located appendage @ something the male American public can place in the Spank Bank vault...Monica looked like 5lbs of Jell-O in an 8oz cup...she had more chins than a Chinese phonebook...and as for Dubya...we're still working on a cure for Assholeheimer' far surgeons haven't figured out how to reattach the cranial capacitator once it's been systematically inserted into the odorifous exit ramp of the lower intestine...they say ignorance is bliss...if that's true...then there isn't a more on earth than that between Dubya's auditory receptacles...of all 3...the one who committed the most heinous acts of criminal mischief was the enigmatic moron from Maine...Dubya denied sleeping with the enemy...'raped' Webster's dictionary...and 'murdered' the English language...and where is he now??? Weeble Wobblin his way around some West Texas White House...this genetically gifted guru went on a massive manhunt for WMD...things which one would be safe in assuming had metal Iraq...a desert wasteland...a treeless endless sea of sand...completely void of viable hiding places for anything bigger than a sand flea...and what was the single most important item NEVER to be used in this death defying debacle...a METAL DETECTOR...and why do you suppose that was??? For the same reason you don't book a Panda hunting safari on Easter Island...BECAUSE that shit doesn't exist there!!! If you have any doubts regarding Iraq's military capability of producing any weapon...let alone one of Mass some footage from the first Gulf War...the equipment they used was so antiquated there were cave drawings of Atilla the Hun on their tanks...they had about as much hope of manufacturing a destructive weapon as Wile E. Coyote did of assembling an ACME product capable of catching the Roadrunner...if only ignorance were a crime...poor Dubya woulda been impeached quicker than a pre-ear biting Mike Tyson bout!!!
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