Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Cephalacaudal Recapitulation is the reason our extremities develop faster than the rest of us...

Let's try an old grammar school english lesson shall we???  Divide the words and define...Cephalacaudal...what does it mean???  Here I'll show ya... Pronunciation: /ˌsef-ə-lō-ˈkȯd- ə l/
Function: adj
:  proceeding or occurring in the long axis of the body especially in the direction from head to tail 
Hmmm...from head to tail...or in the case of normal humans...the base of the spine...now for Recapitulation..  well...as it pertains to the medicinal field...it means...
: the supposed repetition in the development of the individual of its phylogenetic history—see recapitulation theory
Where oh where do you want me to start???   Show of upper right extremities for those who think the thing they are currently waving in the air...has absolutely NOTHING to do with the definition of Cephalacaudal...it neither head NOR tail...and is in fact an attachment to the main caphalacaudal unit...commonly referred to as the torso...now let's do the Hokey Pokey...everybody put their lower right extremity in...now put your lower right extremity out...now shake it all about...again...NOT a part of the main cephalacaudal unit...it does however share a commonality with it's counterpart...the upper right extremity...in that it too is an attachment to the C/U...don't make me spell it out again...now as for Recapitulation...a rather vague medical definition...but trust me you would need a whole new list of definitions just to wade thru the oral orgasm of useless words given in the other definitions...in short it's a THEORY...much like hypnosis...and those ghost hunting guru's the paranormal experts...it hasn't therefore been proven...or it would be accepted as fact...aside from all that the fact remains that the medicinal terminology moron who dreamt up this little uneducated stab at sounding rather intelligent...obviously studied the required Anthropology courses @ the world renown London Library of Literature...now most of you should be saying to yourselves...the London Library of Literature...does it exist...and if so...what does it hafta do with Anthropology...well quite honestly...about as much as extremity development hasta do with Cephalacaudal Recapitulation...NOT a damn thing...who among you has anything better than this THEORY to explain the human developmental habits of our extremities...or wouldja like to hear mine???   Thought you might...or you'd be earnng your paycheck right now...LOL...our extremities develop faster than the rest of us because they are the first things we utilize shortly after birth...we make gestures with our hands...and begin exploring the fascinating things that look like hands at the other end of our bodies...they enable us to become more free to fend for ourselves and can greatly enhance our dreams of becoming independent...that and the obvious...it would take forever to walk using your ass...and equally as difficult to eat with your knees...try typing with your nose...or running with your lips...and I don't mean recklessly to your co-workers about your bosses...or to your friends about your spouses...most of us are born with 4...some with 5...they are able to pee standing up...write their names in the snow...and are capable of inventing new and brilliant ideas to outfox the 4 extremity...apple eating...evil doer variety of humans...some however are born without fully developed and functional extremities...while others may lose them tragically in accidents...or violently in acts of war...these brave people are far too often forgotten or ignored by society in general...very seldom do we offer them assistance with even the minutest of tasks...yet they continue to find the intestinal fortitude...the brute strength...the enormous energy...the determination...desire and drive...to succeed at a level much more difficult than any of us will have the misfortune to encounter...so next time you happen to see an individual with a few less extremities than normal take a moment out of your day to offer assistance...chances are their pride won't allow them to accept your offer unless absolutely necessary...but you'll walk away from the incident knowing you're a better person than those ignorant bastards stumbling by trying to avoid eye contact!  And the next time some dipshit with letters associated with their title...PHD...CEO...HMFIC (Head Mutha F**ker In Charge)...throws out a coupla unfamiliar words to describe something...especially if it's in a definiton format...and it involves a theory...hypothesis...fantasy...myth...magic...medicine...or in legal papers...look it up...ten to one it couldn't be more out in left field if it had bleacher seats behind the foul pole at Comerica Park in an area that causes nosebleeds due to lack of oxygen at those altitude...fuckin' Unicorns have more to do with Cephalacaudal Recapitulation than any of my 5 extremities...my only problem is that I sometimes suffer from Quintextremitial Stumpification Displacia...that's when an individual is often troubled by thoughts of what to do with that massive fifth extremity...try the wrap it twice around the shin and tuck it method...or just leaving it draggin' behind him like a coupla old laundry bags on a hobo's stick...LMAO!!!   Didn't see that one comin' didja!!!

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