Tuesday, January 10, 2012


It costs 3 cents to produce a $1.00 bill in the U.S....

This is actually old information...current prices for producing paper money fluctuates with the price of cotton...as recently as 2008 it cost the U.S. Gov't 6.4 cents to produce the one dollar bill...the price of cotton rose by 50% in 2010...which makes the current production rate of the one dollar bill 9.6 cents...in comparison it cost 1.67 cents to mint a single penny...making the shiny copper coin worth 67% more than it's face value...the one dollar bill in constrast is worth less than 10% of it's face value...now here's the real kick in the teeth...it costs the U.S. government 9.6 cents to print any bill regardless of denomination...thereby making that wad of paper in your purse or pocket about as useless as pre-packaged shit covered toilet paper...there are several things wrong with this picture...the cost of minting pennies is often determined by the metals that are used to produce them...primarily zinc and copper...while paper money's minting cost is determined by the cost of cotton and ink...either we all need to stampede our asses to our local bank branches tomorrow and exchange all of our paper money for pennies...or the fucktards @ the Federal Mint are in desperate need of hiring somebody who has the presence of mind to change the metallic mixture used to make a damn penny...it also shines a light on exactly how hypocritically corrupt our government agencies are...if I were to buy the same ink...and paper stock the government uses...and print the money from the comfort of my own home...using a computer and a printer...and get caught...what happens???  Kevin gets charged...tried...and convicted of Counterfeiting money...what happens when the government does it???  NOTTA damn thing...it's circulated...exchanged for goods...labor...or services...their money...the governments...is backed by the same thing my money would be...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...yet it has happened every day since coins and paper took the place of furs and pelts...let's say an individual makes $8.00 an hour...nice round number...that means in reality they make a whopping 76.8 cents an hour...Staggering I know...however, in light of this new information...if that individual mandated they be paid in pennies for their that one hour of labor they would stand to profit to the tune of $13.36...better than time and a half...if, on the other hand they allow the company they work for to pay them in paper money...only 4 monetary notes are required to achieve the $8.00 rate of pay...and they would make a mind-boggling 38.4 cents an hour...less than half of what they woulda made had they requested all bills to be of the one dollar denomination...I know...that's alotta math to hafta mull over...and I've NO doubt some amongst you are wondering to yourselves..."So what???  Why should this matter to me...come tomorrow I will have forgotten about it...I'll go on using money because I have no other choice"...and for the most part you are correct...there currently is NO other choice...which as I'm sure Bill Gates and Ma Bell can attest to...that constitutes a MONOPOLY...which is another big NO-NO...unless it's government controlled...but here is why you should give a shit...our paper money has become so useless our country hasta borrow 'real' money from other countries on the International Exchange...@ over-inflated rates of interest...loans we can't pay back with our current currency...so what does that mean...well it means that other countries who do business with us have NO faith in our monetary system...because it has NO value...so how do we obtain these loans if we have of financial value to use as collateral...we use people as collateral...which in turn means that our government is doing a fair amount of business in the Human Trafficking/Slave Trade markets...albeit behind closed doors...so as to NOT draw negative attention on a government viewed by most as the most powerful on Earth...we can't have the rest of the world finding out that we conduct shady business the same way they do...can't have the American public finding out that they aren't really citizens of the country they continue to pay taxes to...there'd be an uprising...recently a friend of mine from Hawai'i posted a picture on his facebook feed...of a check somebody wrote to Verizon to pay their cell phone bill...
The individual went on to explain that [0.002 + e^(2pie)]= 535.4936555 and the limit of the sum of (1/2^n) as n goes to infinity is = 1...therefore $535.4936555 + 1= $536.49...This guy is one of my new heroes...I intend to use something similar when paying my taxes this year...if in fact I owe...I'll have them done professionally...find out what I owe...do a little math...and cut the Federal Government a check accordingly...and I would implore the rest of you to do the same...let's say I end up owing $850.00...since it only takes 9 differing denominational notes to achieve a total of $850.00...Uncle Sam is going to get a Cashier's Check for the grand total of 86.4 cents...with a nice little explanation on how they can use that money to buy...print and produce 8- 100 dollar bills and 1- 50 dollar bill...pay themselves off...and consider the debt paid in full...hell @ that rate maybe I'll even send in a check for $10.00 and have them use the excess to help settle the National Debt...and if that isn't good enough for them...too damn bad...I better NOT get a nasty-gram in the mail spouting off about how they don't appreciate my feeble attempts @ humor either...and that they expect me to cut them another check...paid in full...those sorry S.O.B.'s will get a note of their own...one that explains in no uncertain terms...that I have held a job since graduation @ the age of 17...roughly 27 years @ 40 hours a week multiplied by 52 weeks...for a grand total of approximately 56160 hours...@ various pay rates...so we'll use a median average of $8.00 an hour...which should have grossed me $449280.00...however, after learning of governmental production costs revolving around paper currency...the financial medium of these times...I actually received $46,800.00...leaving $402,480.00 of unpaid compensation which I have already paid taxes on...therefore they have one of two options...send me my entire refund...interest compounded annually included...in the form of penny rolls...which they can then buy back from me @ a reduced rate...say 1.50 cents on the penny...that's a savings of 0.17 cents per penny...or they can keep the money I've already paid and consider the next 3 generations of my family tax-exempt...seems fair to me...the balance of power in this country is decidedly tipped in favor of those who control it...I fear it may already be too late for us to make an effort to right this ship...we haven't the tools of war to overthrow the corruption present throughout our governmental bodies...I doubt seriously our crop-dusters and houseboats are gonna hold up long against Fighter Jets...Stealth Bombers...and Aircraft Carrier Groups...the ONLY tool we have left is a product they manufacture themselves...and hold in higher regard than human life...the Almighty Dollar...it may NOT be worth much on paper...but if we band together collectively...and keep our useless pieces of paper from lining their already over-stuffed pockets...I can almost guarantee you there'll be a significant change in the numbers of people running for political office...if Money is the root of all evil...it stands to reason that those seeds were sown by government employees...and harvested off the backs of citizens!!!  Educate yourselves!!!

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