Thursday, January 12, 2012


The temperature of a burning cigarette when the smoker is inhaling is 1292 degrees F, or 700 degrees C.

This little far as I can absolutely true...albeit unbelieveable...and yet this information has NOT been put to good use...what has come from such a scientific study???  NOTHING of daily use...@ least from the overeducated sector of society who determined this data...once again proving that spending every penny of your parents savings on a college education isn't always productive...what was the purpose behind this research???  They didn't do anything beneficial with it...conducted a study...published the what???  Where do we go from here now that we know the internal temperature of a lit cigarette during inhalation???  I can't think of one beneficial thing stemming from this statistic...unless of course you were considering adopting the habit and have an allergy to temperatures over 1291 degrees...will cramming this knowledge somewhere deep within my crevices of my cranium ever help me save a life...possibly...if I run across one of those gas garglin halitosians we spoke of yesterday...will it help me land a job that'll pay me retirement packages greatly exceeding my former companies annual cashflow...not unless everyone in that company has their head up the ass of the idiot doing unnecessary research in the cubicle next to them...will it help me break the oppressive chains of poverty...not unless it's the final question on Who Wants To Be a Millionaire and I'm sittin in the hotseat...does it pose a potential health hazard greater than cancer or complications during pregnancy...probably not...even if you stick the lit end in your mouth...I really wanna know where these people come do you even envision conducting a scientific test to determine the temperature of a lit cigarette during inhalation...whaddaya do...wake up one day...look yourself in the mirror...light a cigarette...and think out loud..."Well I completely missed the boat on finding a cure for AIDS"...(inhales slowly on lit cigarette til it burns the fingertips)..."Ouch...that hurt...I wonder what the temperature of that tip is when I inhale?"  What ever happened to thinking a thing thru before beginning your research???  I mean come on...if you're gonna go to all this trouble...the least you could do is provide us with one useful piece of information in regards to the impending results...I need to know the internal temperature of a lit cigarette being sucked on about as much as I need to know that the anal escapations of an individuals air biscuits sound remarkabley similar to the honking sound of a Canadian hairlipped Goose...unless I'm sittin' in a bird hunting blind with no decoys in the water...eating a lunch of baked beans and sauerkraut...I have no use for that knowledge...There are a ton of things that peak my curiosity almost daily...but I don't drop everything I'm doing and conduct an ill-advised Scientific study on them...lemme give you an example...I'd NEVER even entertain the idea of measuring the velocity with which an idividual forcefully expunges flatulence...publically...or privately...why???  Because it bears no relevance on the amount of speed which I intend to utilize escaping the affected area...or how long I hafta hold my breath should I find myself imprisoned in a confined enclosure when said whiff of waste makes itself evident to my aroma enhancing apparatus...I don't need to conduct a month long study on why some women appear to have a gag reflex when brushing their tongue...yet seem quite capable of co-starring in the sequel to the 'X' rated version of deep-throat...evidence undoubtedly suggests she needs a more well endowed partner in her pornographic playpen...nor do I need a gaggle of geologists to explain to me the magnitude of shifting tectonic plates when they erupt into eartquakes...a simple map of the fault lines should suffice...find them...chart them...publish them...then move on to something more relevant...I don't need to know how water on a lake freezes in winter...I just need to know if it's thick enough to bear my weight should I decide to walk on it...I don't need a scientific study to be conducted in order to determine the assholistic attributes of people put in positions of power...I simply need to listen to them time you read an inconclusive iota of information...before you take it for granted...only to realize it doesn't pertain to yourself a favor...ask yourself this...WWKS...(What Would Kevin Say)!!!

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