Thursday, February 23, 2012


The original story "Tales of 1001 Arabian Knights", begins: "Aladdin was a little Chinese Boy"...

OH HAPPY...HAPPY...JOY...JOY!!!  Ten seconds to decipher what is fundamentally wrong with the authors tidbit...(playing music from Final Jeopardy while I wait)...Anybody??? should be NIGHTS...I don't believe anyone of Arabian descent has ever been knighted...and even if they had...I doubt you could dig up 1001 of them worth relating a tale about...another glaring error of ethnicity is the author's claim that Aladdin was a little Chinese boy...Aladdin was a street urchin LIVING in a town in China...doesn't mean he was Chinese...anymore than this idiot author obtaining tickets to an NFL game means he's a helmet head...see what happens when a person regurgitates morsels of misinformation they overheard in a lecture on Literature...instead of READING a paragraph or two's another indication we are sinking to new levels of stupidity with regards to what was submitted by this feeble minded floatie...'Aladdin's Wonderful Lamp'...wasn't included in the original "Tales" wasn't added til to say it began with the sentence "Aladdin was a little Chinese Boy"...shows just how significant a problem we have in our education system...this idiot couldn't even follow the timeline correctly...NOW...had Aladdin been born of Chinese heritage...I'm quite sure the story woulda been entirely different...especially the name of the title character...there's NO way in hell it coulda been Aladdin...Araddin in 'Araddin's Wonderful Ramp' woulda been a tale about a poor little Chinese boy who found a 'ramp' one day while wallowing thru rice paddies...he woulda used it to make a rice wine so powerful it would've created hallucinations of a magical apparition named I.G. Knee...Araddin woulda married Princess U. Pai Nau...they woulda made their way to America...where she woulda opened a restaraunt...while he toiled away laying train tracks...probably woulda had a few dozen kids...opened a buncha dry cleaners and ruined clothes all across America...end of story...what I find interesting is that the author avoided using 'Tails'...instead of 'Tales'... then we could've blamed it all on Caligula for starting the whole annoiting of horses in positions of power fiasco and it mighta made more sense...ya know I've been guilty of misspelling a few words here and there...on more than one occassion...usually out of my overindulgent behavior associated with my favorite pasttime...LAZINESS...but I've NEVER offered an utterance I want others to take seriously...while simultaneously slaughtering the essence of the sentence...where do we get these perfectors of pronunciation... who seem capable of convoluting the words they hear into fragments of falsification...holy sheep shit's an idea...update your WINDOWS OS...bring up a second tab...get on Google...start typing the word or phrase you want to use into the search WILL help keep you from revealing your ignorance to those who have found an illumination you couldn't get watching a night game beneath the stadium lights...makes me wonder...when people like this get an idea in their must be like runnin' shit thru a the end all they did was create more of a mess for someone else to take care of...Aladdin was a little Chinese Boy...the name Aladdin shoulda been the first clue that he wasn't Chinese...since when has Aladdin ever been considered part of the Asian nomenclature...what's next for this mental midget of Middle Eastern literature..."Ah-Li Wong-san and his 40 thieves"...about a gang of Chinese carjackers you can blindfold with dental floss...I wish I knew this legend of lost literature personally...I'd send their ignorant ass an email immediately...I'd include one word along with my definition of it...GRAMMAR... the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit!!!  I keep this up much longer and Disney will hafta rewrite Bambi...with yours truly taking the part of the rabbit!!!

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