Friday, March 9, 2012


On an America one-dollar bill there is an owl in the upper left hand corner of the "1" encased in a shield & a spider hidden in the front upper right hand corner...

I don't know about the owl bit...I've seen the spider...ya hafta use a magnifying glass to getta glimpse...and even then your eyesight better be pretty good...don't know about the owl bit...but there's alotta useless shit on every denomination of United States paper most of ya may recall... we've already established that pennies are worth more when ya boil all the bullshit outta the picture... I don't know why we continue to use paper money...or coins for that matter...plastic is the new currency... know how to satisfy a woman with just 3 1/2 inches???  Give her a credit card...for the longest time I demanded a check from my employer...and elected to cash it wasn't until last year I decided to opt for direct I seldom have paper currency or pocket change on me...there just isn't much use for it...the only people who demand cash are government run facilities...which I find amusingly ironic...since they should's not worth the paper it's printed on...all these little things that you can find...or could find on the older bills...were/are supposed to be a key part of the anti-counterfeiting conglomeration the boys holdin the gold came up with back in the day...when it mattered...when money was actually backed by something other than Bubba's Barrels of Bullshit...the borders on a dollar bill are supposedly the spider's webs...which I find ridiculous to say the put a spider in one owl in the other...and you want me to believe that spider survived skirting around the owl while spinning all these webs...highly doubtful considering there doesn't appear to be another food source available...there are some very interesting theories about 'who' a collective group...came up with the designs on the dollar is probably the most discussed and debated 'bills' in existence...supposedly it contains clues to it's's something we can all do as we read along...let's see if this doesn't cause a couple of you to have a coronary...pull out a '1' dollar bill...lay it face down on your desk, or the table in front of'll notice there are 2 circles a little bigger than a quarter that act as bookends to the word 'ONE'...let's take a look at the left one...with the unfinished pyramid...with the 'all seeing eye'...topping it take a pen...pencil...if ya can't find one I hear Cape Canaveral has a few they aren't using right now...they're a little pricey tho...borrow a crayon from one of the kids...grandkids...modern artists...starting at the top of the eye...draw a line all the way down to the base of the pyramid...go back to the top of the eye...draw a line down the left side of the pyramid...make sure you keep the shadow to the right side of the line you're draw a line across the bottom of the go to the bottom of the triangle with the eye in it...draw a line from the bottom of this triangle over to the letter on the right...and do the same over to the letter on the this upside down triangle... which should complete the 6 pointed Star of at the letters associated with 5 of the 6 points...if you did this should have the letters the next thing I am gonna share with you...I found by accident...while trying to look up something completely different... this is pretty out there...I hafta say...this is one of those things that...if it doesn't cause ya to burst a capillary or two...will at least make ya wonder just WTF is going on?!?!?!  (and with that folks, I'm going to cut this short and provide you this link  so you can take a look for yourself...keep in mind...if you have the different denominations available to you...a keen eye...or a magnifying monocle smaller than the Hubble can see better details!!!)

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