The very first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin in WWII killed the only elephant in the zoo...
Ya know...due to certain daily tidbit lore that is provided by Momma from who knows how many different websites...I have had to become more familiar with WWII history than I'd like to...on occasion it takes a couple moments of extensive research to afford myself the knowledge of all pertinent information...this is NOT one of those times...but I just thought I'd point that sentence at first glance...might give the American reader moment to pause...notice I said American reader there...remember that for it may come into play later in the story...isn't this fun...each one of these is like a little roller coaster ride thru my own warped way of looking at things...and you are all the crash test dummies...hey that's what you are when you don't have to buy a ticket to enjoy the shut up or I'll make it go faster...NOW...where were we...Oh yes...might give the American reader moment to in the hell did we drop our first bomb on the zoo...who was the idiot flying that plane...and what did he think all those animals in the bomb sight thing-a-ma-jig were...some sorta Nazi experiment gone wrong...(didn't we cover that yesterday???) Didn't I say shut up...but here's where the American reader needs to pay attention to exactly what the tidbit tells us...for we've covered these waste of space whine asses a time or two already...and in recent blog post to I might add...the FIRST bomb dropped by the the clue that eludes to the truth of the matter...WE...the U.S. of A....weren't members of the ALLIES when the FIRST bomb was dropped...therefore it had to be a British pilot who committed this beautiful display of errant bomb dropping bravado...because it couldn't have been the French...the only thing those wannabe saved by real soldier Samaritans were capable of flying was a white flag...which doesn't require much of a pilot...and doesn't have the dimensional capabilities nor structural strength to carry and deliver we've narrowed down the...'who'...part of the equation...but what is the...WHY??? Well the 'why' would involve another toast eating tea breaker...Winston Churchill...who mistakenly ordered this bomb to be dropped...thinking it would end the war rather quickly...saving thousands of lives and giving Great Britain an enormous amount of face on the international scene...thank god that plan failed...can you imagine where we would be with those stodgy old bastards playing World Police... ... ... ... ... ...WOW...that was scary...okay I'm back...(I know some of you are anxious to know what would cause Winston Churchill to concoct such an ill conceived war plan...and can't wait to get back to work and into the I'll try and keep this short)...British Intelligence of the period was much like American Intelligence during the Double Dubya Era...(completely ignorant of any useful information...and yet...quite capable of passing erroneous information all the way up the Chain of Command)...anyway...British loving subversives in the German hierarchy sent message thru back channels to London with this message..."Hitler is an arrogant ass...what can Berlin do?" the time it had been passed form enough German mouths to British ears...and carried to the desk of Mr. Winston Churchill it had erroneously been translated to read..."Hitler is an elephants ass...working at the Berlin zoo!"...and that my friends is how I like to think that little piece of history unfolded...I know...completely off the wall and extremely far fetched...worthy of Hollywood consideration is what you're sayin' then...(ya's times like these I like to sing myself a little song...'Isn't-he-love-ly...isn't-he-WON-DER-FUL???)...LMAO...have a GREAT WEEKEND!!!
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