Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Up until 1967, LSD was legal in California...

Ya know...I really didn't need this tidbit to inform me of the drug laws in California...in the late 1960's... that entire state was one big ass bag full of toxic material back then...have ya heard some of the music... my god if it LSD hadn't been legal half that shit would still be sittin on record store shelves... I hate it when people misidentify good music from that era...sure there were some super hit songs by Jimi Hendrix...The Doors...The Animals...and my all time favorite band to ever take a stage...anywhere in the world...Pink Floyd...but come on...listen to the whole album...if those guys weren't trippin' their balls off then the audience had to be...because you don't put together music like that when you're sober...look at Ozzy Osbourne...a founding member of Black Sabbath...did so many drugs ya need a damn translator to understand him...and why is it like that with some of these singers...they come from England or some other foreign country...sing in perfect english...and then mumble incoherently when they're speaking...for fuck's sake...if ya can sing the damn words so I can understand them...can't ya at least attempt to speak the same way...and look at The Beatles...they experimented with so many drugs in so many different cultures...they NEVER had a good song...that band absolutely sucked ass...I'm sorry folks but the truth needs to be told...they sucked ass...yeah... yeah...yeah...they even titled a song...Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds...for the drug...LSD...they had NO talent...the lyrics were so simple...you knew the entire song after hearing it once...the boys in Pink Floyd were so whacked outta their skulls they actually put together a tune titled...Several species of small furry animals gathered together in a cave and grooving with a pict...WTF is that...and the movies from that era...who was in charge of special effects back in that day...Dennis Hopper...I mean seriously look at some of the really old episodes of Star Trek...I swear those are flashlights being used as the twin propulsion units on top of the Enterprise...I mean really...California was the first state to legalize marijuana for medicinal use...because as we all know by now...Cali isn't a recreational state... hell NO...old people on pot go there to die...RIGHT...and the Pope is Protestant...LSD...regardless of what you may hear about the drug...is a synthetic man made product...designed by the C.I.A....with the governements consent and financial backing...kinda makes ya wonder just how the f**k our government operates...who invents a drug...a dangerous drug...one capable of inducing death...releases it to the general public thru the black market...and then decides to host a War On Drugs...it's NO f**kin wonder the national deficit is increasing at speeds close to that of light itself...I mean hell... how effective is a War On Drugs...you're spending money on covert programs like the C.I.A and D.E.A. so they can smuggle drugs into the country...disburse them...and then try and find them...that;s kinda like loading a gun...spinning around blindfolded...firing a round off into the air...and trying to find it years later...unless I missed something...this country should consider legalizing all drugs...I think about it...China and India are kicking our ass in propogation of population...seriously...we are in a slow foot race for third place...both these countries possess ethnic groups or religious sects that smoke Opium...and what do we have...a buncha potsmokers in prison...I mean come on...and our country allows companies that operate within it borders to farm out customer service call centers to a buncha Opium Den deliquents that can't annunciate a damn thing...here's an idea...bring jobs back to America...train the 90% of non violent...potsmoking prisoners within the system how to take calls and give them a shot at getting a job when they get out...instead of teaching them how to press license plates...there isn't much of a use for that on the outside...ya know who presses license plates...other than state run correctional facility attendees...former correctional facility attendees from the state of California that are strung out on LSD...you can usually find them at entertainment venues...like the county fair...or town festival...they travel across the country like gypsies all year long...setting up shop in a little stand they set up...and make personalized license plates for a price...because that's all they know how to do...the only difference is that on the outside they can make $15.00 or more per plate...as opposed to $0.14 an hour on the inside per how many plates an hour...and you silly bastards thought slavery had been abolished...it's just been renamed...it's called Penal Employment in this day and age... tricky bastards aren't they...and you know why most people don't catch on to these little things...9 times out of 10 it's from...Lack of Simple Detection of the evidence put before you...if the government wasn't in control of the media they wouldn't be able to cover-up...or spin their involvement in so many conflicting interests...and all of the illegal shit it carries out on a daily basis...personally I hope I live long enough to see it fall from within...before we end up being owned by every country that has a dollar to spare...maybe the U.S. Constitution has served it's purpose and it and every law ever established by it should be abolished...start over...that's how you fix a major f**k up...you don't just keep puttin band-aids on bullet wounds...they can't stop the bleeding...and here's a little hint for future biochemical developments...when you invent a drug or virus...and slip it into the mainstream population...let's make it something useful...let's say a drug that makes stupid people all over the world instant winners on...Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader...and here's the catch...you hafta get elected into a political position...elect to pursue a legal career...a medical career...or hunt for Bigfoot in order to get a prescription for these pills...paranormal investigators will also be given special consideration for prescriptions...after the age of 7...I'll tell ya what...ya don't wanna see me in charge of this mess...I'd close the borders...fire the senators and congressmen...use that windfall of money to employ some of the most violent people I can find to protect our borders...they get bonuses for one shot-one kill confirmations...you want to come into this country there will be one airport...located right in the heart of Hicksville, USA...let's see your smart ass get past the hillbillies from Deliverance...why was LSD made illegal in California in 1967???  That's the better question...because it got into the wrong hands...the government wanted to use it for psych-ops...against foreign POW's...and secret agents...in order to get them to divulge information...apparently thinking that causing a human being to hallucinate could somehow scare them into telling the truth...little did they know that people who are hallucinating...DON'T know the truth...they have lost touch with reality...DUMBASS...whether chemically induced or from breaks in the individual psyche...the fact that the truth is floating across the room in the form of a pink elephant with a dripping rainbow snout..should lead anyone taking the new...DIPSHIT SHOT...immediately recognize this little fact...long before experimenting with these kinds of Lazy assed Systems for Detecting the...TRUTH!!!

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