Monday, May 14, 2012


A frog's favorite color is blue...
Of course it is...any damn dog with contact lenses can tell ya that...what...was there a stew meat special on the day this little medical prodigy of the optical world was hatched...I mean seriously...this kinda sh*t makes me wanna just pulverize somebodies pumpkin pit...when are these wizards of wonderfully wrong information gonna get a grasp on the obvious...ANIMALS do NOT speak...therefore they canNOT communicate their likes and dislikes in a manner we CAN pathetic puddles of naughty nectar...get it thru your heads...sure some animals will exhibit preferences to certain objects of a distinct color...that doesn't however mean it is their favorite...ever heard of BULLS...they charge at vibrant red configurations...that DOESN'T mean they LOVE that particular a matter of FACT it seems to AGITATE the EVER lovin' sh*t outta them...the EYES of humans are distinctly different from the EYES of an far as we KNOW...they all see things differently...and for all this IDIOT...or any of us for that matter...KNOWS...the "scientific evidence" that claims to prove certain aspects associated with animal vision are true...such as all DOGS are colorblind...was made up in the first an obviously brighter bunch of scientific minds...that had come to the really didn't matter what they said...common folk wouldn't EVER be able to DISPROVE it since ANIMALS were NEVER going to SPEAK anyway...boy do I miss THOSE guys...they didn't waste time and money on fruitless endeavors did they..."HEY...we need a big ass bomb...something the world has NEVER seen before...make it as lethal as possible...and have a BLAST developing it"...and what happened..."Viola' is your bomb"...whaddawe get nowadays..."HEY...we desperately need a cure for cancer and AIDS"...(They all huddle together whispering..."WTF are they talkin' about...we can't come up with a cure...we'll be out of business") the hell do you come up with such a statement as..."A frog's favorite color is blue"...the damn frog doesn't even KNOW what BLUE means...unless it has an epileptic seizure while in the fly catching process...swallows it's own tongue...and begins flopping violently about its lillypad...and EVEN that doesn't indicate BLUE as the favorite color...people like this amaze's like a special kind of DANE BRAMAGE...we just can't seem to cure it...doesn't seem to matter how many thousands upon thousands of dollars they throw away at an just can't teach COMMON SENSE to some people...something goes haywire during the 9 month incubation period...maybe it's cordal claustrophobia...and the poor critter's cranial capacitor remains undeveloped...who knows really...they are an anomaly all their own...they're like asexual worms...completely useless except for siftin through soil and depositin' sh*'s like all those Zombie movies wrapped into one...they're starving for BRAINS and have NO idea where to get them...they chase down other IDIOTS...that for whatever reason...seem to stick around the area until they're captured and's a vicious cycle of bein' caught in a whirlpool of WTF witlessisms...I suppose the age old adage is takes all kinds...if it wasn't for these bugs...the rest of us wouldn't need windshields!!!

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