Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Do You Feel Rucky Plunk...Well...Do Ya???

Officials in the Philippines requested a copy of Dirty Harry to use as a training film for their police...

For real...somethin' tells me I'd be alot less intimidated by a 4'-6" Filipino gunslinger...seriously..I know what you’re thinking: "Did he fire six shots, or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I’ve kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well do ya, punk?...just wouldn't sound the same bein' screamed from the lungs of a pissed off little peckerhead from the Philippines...see the problem is...INTIMIDATION...usually comes with size...this isn't always the case...but 9 times out of 10...tonnage rules...that's why bigger trucks demolish smaller's not a new invention...these idiots using a Dirty Harry movie to train their like teasin' midgets with tales of Jack in the know deep down inside it isn't gonna matter...they're NEVER gonna get taller...but in a cruel can be fun to watch...kinda like seein' a buncha skinny little 30lb brown skinned good Samaritans tryin' to hold up a hand cannon that weighs twice as much as they do...maybe it had NOTHIN' to do with the gun Harry used...historically and theologically midgets use slingshots to slay giants...or so I've heard...and I must confess...I've tangled with a few people shorter than me with negative results, so there are exceptions to the perhaps it was for the employment of facial expressionism...because as we all know...NOBODY can pull off the Dirty Harry pose quite like Clint...and I can't imagine what a buncha Filipino lookin' Lilliputian Police runnin' around tryin' to pull off that squinty eyed...come f**k with my day...gaze...I think I'd start lookin' for the ghost of Allen Funt...and hidden cameras...not too mention the ROFLMAO...deep...hearty...belly laugh and subsequent snot and tears streamin' down my face...can ya just picture it...they'd yell..."FREEZE PLUNK"...and I'd hear..."Follow the Yellow Brick Road"'s bound to cause problems...and before ya know it...YOURS starring in his own episode of Locked Up Abroad...10 hours later...after escaping wading thru a shitload of screamin' meanies...asshole deep...and swimming to safety...hitching a ride with a passing pod of tuna hunting dolphins...landing on the shores of southern Mexico...having to tan for 10 months just to get into America legally by any underground tunnel system...I'll finally get to tell millions of people what a tragic experience I horrible the conditions were...the cells being to short for me to fit inside...which led to them try and torture transfer me...on some kinda twisted bamboo baton death a larger facility on the far side of the should be a huge hit...especially when I reveal that they stripped me of my clothes during the process...every chachi lovin' Korean will wanna take a look at that...I'll be an International Stupid Star...caught on film laughin my ass off at a buncha wanna be cowboy cops...that can't figure out if they wanna watch Clint's next movie or star in it...I mean what were these guys thinkin'...Dirty Harry drove a 1968 Ford Galaxie 500...and he took up the entire driver's seat...ya know how many...Little People could fit in one of these big ass metal'd only need 2 cars for the entire police force...don't get me wrong...I'm sure some of these people are...VERRY CRAFTY...EVERRYBODY VERRY CRAFTY...probably have some sort of Brazilian Street Fighting/UFC/Wing Chun Kung Fu/Decapitization move that would render me useless...but in a gunfight...the worst that can happen is I get kneecapped with a headshot...this is one of those tidbits I could play with for hours...there's just way too much humor here...I mean considering that the Philippines are loosely associated with prostitution...or lovely ladies who just want to go...'to land of BEEG PX' could easily assume that hearing dirty...hairy...and Filipino in the same sentence was a reference to te website of an unshaven...naughty...Filipino floosie...I mean it's a stretch...but then again you probably haven't been to the Philippines or known someone that was stationed there...which brings me to another point...somewhat off topic from the title of the tidbit...but WHY is prostitution ILLEGAL???  If paying for sex is a sin...married men are 10 times guiltier than any JOHN...everything they do is a cleverly disguised pussy plan...(sorry fellas...secrets out)...I know...I think I'm kiddin'...if you're married...look around your house...neat and tidy...right???  He helps out by keepin' the yard looked after...and the garbage taken out...that's what we do...if we can't watch TV when we're inside...why be inside...take a little ladies vacation...leave a few hidden cameras behind...see what kinda heathen you're living me...WE are entirely different creatures when left to our own devices...if you're expected to be gone for 7 days...NOT a DAMN thing will get done around the house until the 6th day...if your husband cleans each and every day you're gone...there's a little more than a skeleton in that closet over there...if ya know whaddam sayin'...don't be fooled...we all wanna sport the Dirty Harry snarl...quietly and confidently striking fear into the hearts of our foes...truth is most of us even watch a little dirty porn every now and then...NO...NOT while you're lookin'...unless you're into that type of which case my cell phone # 999 555 1212...please send ratable photos...NOT airbrushed photo shop bullshit either...I can tell...and by dirty porn I don't mean graphic hermaphrodite midget mud wrestlin'...that shits for those Brokeback Mountain Boys...keep it the hell away from me...if you're watchin' that shit you either need to pull the plastic bag tighter around your head...or pull a Carradine Collar down around your neck and do a little danglin' sick puppies...I know there's a gutter...but there's a sewer below it...keep your standards up...and most of you have become accustomed to...comes the moment when we must bid each other such sweet sorrow...until we meet again...SMELL YA TOMORROW!!!   Happy Humpday!!!

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