I shouldn't hafta tell you what is wrong with this tidbit...but if I didn't...who would...somebody else with just as limited knowledge as the author of this assinine comment...and then where wouldja be...NO closer to the truth...for 1 ants don't have ID cards so anyone serving them alcohol is subject to charges of Contributing to the Delinquency of Minors...2nd...ants have NO money...so they can't pay for their drinks...and NOBODY likes to buy drinks for someone they can't take home and wonder about in the morning...3...and probably the most important bit of relative information debunking this stupidity is the anatomy of an ants body...look closely...and you will realize that the leg placement of this little industrious molder of mountains is incapable of laying on its side...I swear sometimes I wonder where these stand up...former shaken baby syndrome stooges come from...doesn't gimme much of a reason to buy into any of the other scientific crap they come up with...I mean seriously...billions of dollars have been WASTED on educational efforts in this country alone...billions more on useless scientific studies...STOP lookin' for a DAMN answer to a QUESTION that hasn't been asked yet...I mean holy sh*t people...I coulda fed half of Africa with the money this anatomically ignorant ambassador of the arts spent on educating himself incorrectly...let's put some of that money to better use...instead of financially funding future generations college endeavors...how about we build some DAMN barriers along our borders...and I don't just mean a couple of reinforced walls that they can dig under...put these kinda people out there with guns...its a WIN-WIN situation we keep illegals to a minimum...and if NOTHING else we lose a few dipshits...either way it's a better world...up until today I didn't have one single cell of my being curious about the after effects of intoxication as it applied to ants...and I still don't...I'm sure ants have their own stresses and troubles and if they wanna get pissy drunk and stumble home...wobble into the whole and fall flat on his face...who cares...they're NOT an integral part of society...I don't care if they don't show up for work tomorrow...or if they end up dying from alcohol poisoning...How do you even know if alcohol affects ants the same way it does humans...it just doesn't make any damn sense...for all we know alcohol burns off the right legs of an ants body causing it to appear to lay down on its side...in which case its torture and not really science at all...I have a theory that the author was an imbiber himself and it was he who found himself laying on his right side...with a decidedly different visual concept of the world around him...explaining why this alcoholic thinks he made a remarkable new discovery...show of hands...who thinks we should stop educational funding altogether??? I dare say that knowledge gained on the streets better prepares you for life than the continuous flow of crap coming outta colleges...I mean DAMN...if this is the best we get for giving up millions in student loans that NEVER get paid back...then where's the benefit??? I can sit here and make up dumbass...unproven statements all day long...and I NEVER dropped a dime on furthering my education...I do it all the time...my kids shake their heads so much you'd think they were havin a seizure...the difference is I do it outta boredom and to get a laugh or a smile over sayin' somethin' so ridiculous ou just hafta stop and think for a minute...DID I REALLY JUST HEAR THAT??? These people actually believe they are doing something for the greater good of all mankind...I don't get it...you wanna improve the quality of life for all mankind...get rid of corrupt forms of government...don't sit around flushin' more money down the toilet by sharin you beverages with the little things in life...this guy has his head so far up his ass he has anal warts for ears...we gotta STOP lettin' these people breed...its like a shallow pool plague or somethin'...they just keep climbin' outta the sewers and reachin' new heights of...(my mom's new favorite word)...F**KTARDISM...and for those of you who don't know what that is...as I explained to my dear Mother just yesterday...it's when people fall into that grey area of being halfway between retarded and being too f**kin' stupid to know you're DUMB...it's NOTTA place you wanna be...but unfortunately several morons wander mindlessly into this category on a daily basis...and what can we do...NOT MUCH...it's currently illegal to possess other people as pets or we could just keep them penned in the back yard when we were away...HEY...don't look at me...I don't have the answers to everything...just highly recommended suggestions...we need to start raising the level of intelligence in this country and we need to do it quickly...CHINA & INDIA are kicking our asses LITERALLY...I know...I know...it's hard to imagine living in a world where you can actually understand what the person on the other end of the phone is saying...but we hafta try...and this seems like just the type of job for these people...simple...uncomplicated...you don't hafta have ANY of the CORRECT answers...you just need to know how to put people on hold and transfer calls to people who are a smidgen smarter than you...with any luck you'll be promoted to one of these positions...then all you hafta do is learn how to politely say...HEY BUDDY...YA THINK I GIVE A SHIT YOU'RE HAVIN' PROBLEMS...I SHOWED UP TO WORK TODAY WITH A HERNIA AND HEMORRHOIDS...MY WIFE WON'T GET OFF MY ASS ABOUT THE DAMN KIDS DENTAL NEEDS...AND I HAVE A HANGOVER FROM A 3 DAY BINGE...YOU AIN'T GETTIN' SHIT OUTTA ME...SO BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS...WHADDAYA GONNA DO...COME THROUGH THE PHONE AND BEAT MY ASS...HAVE A NICE DAY!!! You're gonna need to change that up a bit...political correctness and all...but you get the jist of the picture...it's just another position where ya get to pass the buck...but hey at least there people...LIKE ME...expect YOU to be as IGNORANT as a MAD BASTAHD...you folks have a GREAT WEEKEND...and don't go drinkin with ants...chances are you still not gonna get in their PANTS!!!
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