Tuesday, June 26, 2012


One year at the Heinz catsup factory they had to raise the protein level on the label because the tomatoes they used had worms...

And this...just a day after the bug buffet...what's the one thing that stands out here folks???  Please...for the love of sanity...tell me one of you looked at this tidbit...and said to yourself...whadda buncha dumbasses...looks like Heinz was a day late and a dollar short in the old advertising department to me...why screw up a good thing and admit your tomatoes had worms...apparently they weren't privvy to the information gleaned yesterday in the aftermath of ignorance...good lord...I'm pretty sure had they gotta hold of the dipshit from yesterday they coulda capitalized on catsup for a full year...Maple Flavored Bacon 'Maters...right there...in plain sight...I mean damn...you'd think they'd learn...or maybe they didn't buy into that rubbish about human food flavored insects either...and jolly good thing that was...cuz where would the world be with a tomato smashin'...sugar additive company...probably left with mayo like they use in some Dutch communities...or worse yet...vegemite from Australia...and that shit is TAS-TEEEEEEE...lemme tell ya...NOTHIN' will make ya wanna drag the neighbor's cat's ass across your tongue quicker than that...vegemite looks like beetles, wasps and worms all ground up together...and it doesn't even remotely taste like pine nuts...bacon...or apples...it tastes like ground up beetles...worms...and wasps...I love how everything hasta taste like somethin else...ya ever had gator...armadillo...snake...scaly assed creatures in other words...NO...ya should...it all tastes like CHICKEN...which can only mean one thing...I was WRONG...T-Rex was the largest and earliest form of food you find at KFC...DAMN IT!!! I hate hindsight...something apparently lacking on the history channel...and the Heinz catsup factory...here's the thing people...not everything that can't be identified tastes like a crack of dawn clucker when it comes served on a silver platter...some of it has a very distinct taste...people just fool themselves into believing what they want...it's a fact that your senses when absent from one another will work to make things palatable and tolerable for you...think I'm kiddin'...there's one cruel way to find out...locate someone that has been blind since birth and feed them something that smells and feels like chicken and they will associate it as such because they have NO way of knowing otherwise...they rely on what others have told them...their other sense have become more keen but that doesn't mean they can't be fooled...people piss me off when they do that...here try this...what is it???  It tastes like pork...well is it a pig...part of pig...come from a pig like creature...did the damn thing snort when it was alive is basically what I need ta know...here try this it's so delicate and tender...melts in your mouth...that's NOT enticing...it's scary as hell...how do I know what kinds of things you allow in your mouth...there are many things that can melt in your mouth...front wallet worms being one of them...and hey...if that's your thing...more power to ya...birds of a feather and what not...I need more information...what the hell is it you're trying to get me to unwittingly eat...if it's Heinz's new caterpillar catsup...I think I'll pass...I'm NOTTA big fan of maters...I eat them NOW on occasion because it's about as close to goin' to the doctor as I wanna get...eat tomatoes and keep free radical cells from erupting into cancerous nodes...or spend hours with Bedside Manners of a Mothball Bill, PhD...while he delicately tells me I'm gonna die because his kind are too greedy to come up with an actual cure...or use medicine from abroad that has had moderate success with treating these types of calamities...I think I can suffer a few diced tamata's on me taco senor...besides...health has got nothing to do with destiny...I've known people who were far superior in physical health than I am...that are NO longer here...if anything my generation will be the first lab rats for medicinal longevity...we will take our little silver and gold vitamins and live to be 120...130...buncha bib droolin'...diaper dandies we will be...wonderin' what happened to the good old days where ya could get a fat greasy triple cheeseburger from Wendy's...WHERE'S THE BEEF commercials will dance thru our heads...but for this day and age...keep one thing in mind...(I stole this from Facebook and morphed it to my own liking)...if you can't figure out what is on your plate...you're eating at the WONG FOOK HING WESTAWAUNT!!!

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