When it originally appeared in 1886, Coca Cola was advertised as an “Esteemed Brain Tonic and Intellectual Beverage.”...
and it contained quite a few things our modern day soft drink of a similar name...things like COCAINE...that evil white substance that appears to have both medicinally proactive components as well as medicinally negative and harmful effects...take for instance the early American immigrant ripe full of this new soft drink concoction...why they might come up with insane ideas about developing a light from electricity...or they might engage in conversations about the theory of relativity...hell for all we know they coulda been the ones responsible for inventing the telephone...kinda makes ya wonder doesn't it...keep in mind folks...the people born around the 1880's to 1890's would be the same from the same generation that split the atom... developed space travel...faked the moon landing...crazy sh*t like that...so apparently cocaine in small doses mixed effectively in a soft drink has some sorta Vulcan mind melding magicificationism to it...(HEY PIPE DOWN OVER THERE...I HAVEN'T USED A DUBYAISM LIKE THAT IN AWHILE)...it has also been documented in a couple Journals of Medicine that the natives who pick the leaves from the coca plant and chew on them do NOT experience the high one would expect from cocaine...what they do experience is some of the best oral hygiene in the world...especially for third world categorized countries...at one time there was even talk of developing tooth paste and/.or gum from the leaves...extracting only the proactive ingredients...on the flip side...individuals that have ingested cocaine through one of the many available methods often experience a euphoria that leads to addiction...and illusions of grandeur...SCARFACE...now I haven't done the necessary research to find out if the Coca-Cola Company actually purchased cocaine in powder form...or if it was simply something they extracted from the coca leaf itself...and to be honest...it really doesn't matter...what does matter is that while they were adding it to their soft drink...in whatever form they used...we as a country were at the forefront of technology...America had the upper hand in developing new ideas...and since they were forced to remove it...we have steadily found ourselves sucking the hind tit of the heifer known as the Information & Technology Age...I mean why is it that when something works well in this country we abolish it immediately without further study...and when something sucks the ass out of a whale shark riding a tsunami...we keep it around FOREVER...and this extends far beyond any benefits of coca-laced Coca-Cola...one of my favorite medicinal herbs was also once LEGAL in AMERICA...as a matter of fact it was an enormous cash crop back before the Great Depression...the hemp was used for creating rope...linen...clothing...paper...the first 2 drafts of the Declaration of Independence were written on hemp...you remember...the one that promotes..LIFE...LIBERTY & THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS (under our constant supervision and according the the rules we establish for everyone but us to follow)...that last little bit was added as a legal disclaimer in invisible ink...you didn't actually think they meant that didja??? Cause ya can't expect to establish a new country full of free spirited frolicking folk from lands afar...what would people say...hell they might storm the shores for Centuries...over populating and misinterpreting anything and everything they get their fumbly little fingers on...I'll tell ya...the things we do to dig our own holes...show of hands...how many people still think NAFTA was a GREAT IDEA...what...none of you are enjoying the benefits of shipping your companies to foreign soil to enjoy cheaper labor rates and increased profit margins...every time we eliminate a possibility in this country...we empower our competitors...because they aren't as anally retentive as this rectally challenged government we allow to continue shoving sh*t down our throats...they see something that works...and works well...and they run with it...they don't shy away from it...place it on the taboo list and prohibit it...they embrace and encourage it...the problem with our government is it's inability to figure sh*t out...they can't figure out how to tax marijuana...because they made it illegal for so long...EVERYBODY grows it...instead of having it handled by a select few companies...they haven't figured out how to tax a business for manufacturing it...I think it's HIGH time we start paying attention to some of the things history has taught us...give the Coca-Cola Company as much land as they need to produce their own coca plants...I hear there's a huge plot of land over in the Middle East that recently had all of it's soil tilled while looking for WMD's...should have ample space for growing the number of plants needed...let's do something that makes sense and instead of forbidding Coca-Cola to be serve with it's original ingredients...let's make it mandatory that everyone drink at least a 12 ounce can a day...I'm sure we could get the Coke Company to adjust their prices to make it more affordable...especially with the financial windfall that is sure to come their way...and instead of making marijuana illegal...let's make it mandatory too...for everyone to grow as many plants as possible on the land they have available...NOT only does it possess positive medicinal qualities...it's a renewable resource...you know...one of those things you idiots in the government are constantly saying we need to embrace in order to save the damn planet...here's an idea...these plants serve a multitude of useful purposes...(something seldom enjoyed from politicians)...they can be grown in a matter of months...NOT years...they can be harvested several times throughout the year in certain regions...replanted...harvested again...until a cycle develops which benefits man and the planet on a number of different levels...you wanna see unemployment drop below 4% nationwide...legalize the growing and manufacturing of marijuana and hemp...farmers all over the country will change there crop overnight...buy more available land...create more jobs than any blowhard in Washington could do in a 4 year term...and decrease our national deficit...it's amazing...it takes somebody that actually has tried marijuana and done the research to solve the nationally economic stagnation everyone with the title of Representative...Senator...or President seems to think is working...ya know why they won't EVER do anything this insane...because it would bury the myths they have established and promoted for decades...they can't very well justify the decades long war on drugs...MARIJUANA primarily...if they open the flood gates and allow American citizens to grow and cultivate the material for a wide variety of uses...because then all the people they have locked up in overcrowded prisons...would become the backbone of a functioning and economically stable society...how devastating would that be...NO...it is far better my friends to live in a time when we are allowed to witness firsthand...things like the crumbling death of an Empire...which is what this country was for it's first couple hundred years...since then it had been in steady decline...much like the Roman...Greek...and Egyptian Empires of the past...disappearing before our very eyes...and for what...social stigma developed by a few people who think their sh*t don't stink...Ronnie Reagan may have been a great president...but Nancy was a dumb b*tch with a hidden agenda...maybe she wasn't fully aware of her actions...maybe she was just a puppet positioned on the anti-pot pedestal...but if we don't start making some changes here soon...we're gonna hafta press #1 just to login to our Facebook accounts...and only then if we can read Mandarin well enough to determine which character represents the #1...there's an election coming up...and although I have NEVER cast a vote...NOR do I support the corrupt Electoral College Candidate program used to determine the next elected idiot...I do encourage all those that do cast a vote to do so with a write in message for the one who wins...HAVE A COKE AND A SMILE DIPSH*T!!! Happy Humpday!!!
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