In Germany they used urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all pee in a pot, and sell it to the tannery...
Keep in mind folks...Germany is the country that brought us some of the greatest atrocities in human's really NO surprise that families used to all piss in a would too if going outside meant the possibility of a new blue'll notice that the tidbit only states that this took place..'In Germany...' it doesn't however tell the whole story...families of the Jewish...whatever the hell it is...religion...ethnicity... conglomeration of other lost souls runnin' around under a different name...or those that were sympathetic towards Jews and offered them shelter during this atrocity...all pissed in the same pot to confuse the NAZI regime...and disrupt some of the odd scientific studies they were undertaking at the time...urine sample collection from each and every village or neighborhood was commonplace in WWII Germany under Hitler's was thought that this bodily fluid could be used to determine an individuals ethnicity through outlandish scientific testing...the cutting edge technology that would develop from this would later further DNA testing around the families that mixed their urine in the same pot could only use it as a resource for tanning...when Germany's scientists began figuring out how to separate the different strains of identifiers..those same Jewish families and those that sympathized with them...began urinating outdoors or in the grounds of the cellars and basements of adjacent buildings in an effort to continue thwarting the German research was during this time that the age old saying...'so poor they don't have a pot to piss in'...came from...when the Nazi soldiers would come around to collect the urine samples the families would beg off saying they were to poor to afford the luxury of a pot to piss in...and the uneducated blue-eyed blonde idiots would be on their merry way...ya know...maybe I should write a book someday...because I haven't a damn clue if any of what I said is even remotely true..but it just goes to show ya how easy it is to make something up on the spur of the moment...almost made that tidbit sound like one of the very few legitimate items we ever get to deal with...believe me idk where it comes from's either untapped talent...or some form of vocabularic bipolarism...did it again...dropped Dubyaism on ya...I don't know why spellcheck doesn't recognize the word Dubyaism hasta be in all the dictionaries by do you tan animal hide with human urine...I mean how did we come to this juncture in human history...lemme see if I got this right...we were dropped off here as Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons by some intelligent life form as some sort of twisted experiment...they continued to visit us throughout our history...teaching us how to crawl from the cave and hunt for to skin animals and use their hides for clothing and warmth...they left...large gaps in the theories of evolution and religion occur...they revisit us again and further our understanding of technology...lending us new ideas and tricks to use to develop humanity across the globe...they teach us how to use animal hide for other things like leather products...showing us the proper way of tanning hide...left us again to fend for ourselves...and somehow a select group of us came up with the idea to use our urine to tan animal hides...we made it through the Dark Ages...the Renaissance...and for we could take 3 steps backwards...why would you even consider using urine for anything??? Unless of course you happen to be at Bellows Beach on Oahu and see someone get covered in Portuguese Man O' War which time you should whip it out...or bare it and square it for the ladies...and fire at is rumored that human urine will cause the jellyfish stingers to release from the victim as the slimy little sonofabitch deteriorates from the acidic content of the human urine...I'm NOT gonna sit here and tell ya that I know firsthand whether or NOT this works...I seldom stuck around to see the long term effects...when you go pissin' on jellyfish covered strangers it isn't always wise to wait around for a're probably NOT gonna get one...but at least it will be interesting and all the other beach goers will look on in amazement as you walk away claiming to be just another misguided animal hide tanning tourist from the Fatherland...I swear...usin' human piss to tan animal hide...what didja do with it after that...sell it to people along the India spice trade route so they could mask that god-awful goat piss smell they seem to bathe in...Have a Happy Thursday folks!!!
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