unless the target is a whale...those enormous...lumbering land giants...you remember...the ones always cloggin' up the beaches...when they are about to die...what great targets they make...ya can't hunt whales with guns anyway...at least NOT in their natural habitat...water and bullets don't always interact as expected...and I'd like to see the moron who has a harpoon mounted to the hood of his beach runner...trying to shoot a whale offshore on a migration journey...I'm thinkin the whale is gonna win that little battle...as soon as it heads out to sea...and the fact that your vehicle isn't water resistant or buoyant becomes...oh so apparent...didn't really think that one through to well didja...ya ever seen a Whaling Ship...from countries that still support hunting whales??? There's a definite reason they are so big...and built without tires...because whales don't drive on HIGHWAYS...why don'tcha just make hunting from a moving vehicle illegal since you shouldn't be driving and shooting off firearms anyway...that's a drunken hillbilly sport that hasn't made it into the Pig Pickin' Olympics as of yet!!! I mean seriously...unless you have a dune buggy...you're chances of getting anywhere near close enough to a whale to fire an effective shot are severely limited...it's not like they have alotta freeways runnin along the coast...and the ones that do...don't provide much in the way of an unobstructed field of fire...therefore it isn't very advantageous to go cruisin down the PCH on a whale huntin' safari...ya might as well be huntin' the California Condor with a dollar store slingshot...the results are gonna be the same...NOBODY ever makes the front page of the local paper for shootin' a big ol' whale from the front passenger seat of their lowrider...that's just ridiculous...I mean ya might as well be huntin' African Elephant from a boat off the Ivory Coast...I doubt you would have much better luck with that...it's like somebody drank tainted Tang for breakfast...where in the hell do people come up with these things...and why do they ut them on the books...I mean seriously...even if ya break the law it's only a misdemeanor...what's that for a die hard road hunter...a slap on the wrist...not that big a deal...I'd skip on the whale huntin' ventures and concentrate on getting bigger land based game...even if ya hafta pay a fine...if ya get somethin big enough it could fill the freezer alot cheaper than goin' to the grocery store...talk about missin' the point with that little law...coulda thrown darts at dumb shit to enact as a law and come up with better results...I mean there's some dumb sh*t in the world...and then there is some DUMB sh*t in the world...if ya know what I'm sayin'...I mean really...I could come up with some more weird sh*t ya shouldn't be allowed to do in California...how about making it illegal to hunt otters unless it's so foggy ya can't see 2 inches in front of your face...or maybe...you could make it illegal for immigrant actors to hold key positions of government if they still can't speak good English...I can't imagine seein' Ahnuld on a four wheel whale huntin' expedition..."GET TO DA BITCHES NOW!!!"...he meant BEACHES...but you get the picture...how about...if ya wanna hunt whales from a moving vehicle along the California Coast...ya hafta dress up like a seal and swim among them for a minute during a feeding frenzy...you make it thru that...I think you've earned the right to fire at will from anywhere ya want...hell you make it thru a pod of whales on a feeding excursion...dressed like their favorite food source...and you can hunt whatever the hell you want from a moving vehicle...preferably a few of those wanna be badasses that wear their pants around their damn ankles...which is probably most of the state...I mean I would think you'd pass a law requiring anyone operating a motorized vehicle within the boundaries of the state...to wear their pants in such a fashion that the lap protion of the seat belt rests comfortably 4 inches below the waist line of the occupants pants...NOT underwear...PANTS...it's gotta be a bitch to drive...let alone worry about huntin' whales...with your PANTS puddled up at your feet...I mean seriously...it might be time to refocus some of our law passing techniques for the Golden State...I mean...one would think they were a progressive state...leading the way in legalizing PLANTS for medicinal purposes...as opposed to some concoction manufactured by a major pharmaceutical company...they've outlawed the sale of the standard incandescent light bulb far ahead of schedule...and yet they promote tire based slaughter of a sea based creature...somewhere along the way somebody got their wires crossed...there aren't too many things I disagree with...but shooting off firearms from a moving vehicle is one of them...with exceptions of course...I find it completely okay if the occupants of said vehicle have been drinkin' all day...are on the back roads of Kentucky...Tennessee...r West Virginia...and all come from the same branch of the family tree...under these circumstances I am an avid supporter...it serves to promote my policy of keeping more people in the deep end of the proverbial pool...it's Tuesday folks...the week is young...have a great day!!!
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