...this...comin' from somebody who ha probably NEVER set foot in the state of California... NOBODY in the history of man has shared the name of Jesus Christ...at least NOT in the English version of the name...California...being an annexed piece of the original Mexican Territory...represents a transitional state of immigration...it is full of illegal people of a native nature...only in AMERICA...where stupid shit like this is possible...and since it appears that it's full of idiots who think the rest of us don't know the translation of Jesus (pronounced Hey Zeus...if you don't press #1)...Cristo...they think we are too bilingually ignorant to discover word root origins without their masterful command of the languages on this planet...buncha dumbasses...if there are 6 people in the state of California named Jesus Cristo...they shouldn't have licenses...they probably don't even have green cards...I mean think about it...are you tellin' me that somebody named Jesus Cristo would be hidin' out in the state of California's lettuce fields a grape vineyards...doubtful... NOW if you had told me that there was a magician in California named Jesus Cristo that was performing some new water walkin' trick...or was turning avocados into tacos and feedin' the masses...then I'd hafta say that warrants mention...I mean gettin' a license under a false name has NEVER really been that hard to do...if ya know the right people you can even get a fake license from an actual DMV...but I don't know any of those people...they tend to all reside somewhere just outside of Hollywood...some of them are in D.C. but they fake more than drivers licenses...those guys are the heavy hitters...they fake REASONS for invading other countries...they use ridiculous names to cover up the names of IMPORTANT people and equipment...like NOBODY knows what Air Force One really is...in the grand scheme of things...a dark skinned person named Jesus Cristo...comes as NO big surprise...them gettin' a license in that name...from a state they probably deserve to live...since their ancestors are the ones that basically settled that part of the country prior to the Gold Rush...at least the southern half of it...which seems to be all they are interested in anyway...I mean seriously...what does California have anymore now that the GOLD is GONE...fields of fruit and vegetables that need to be picked...I don't get the whole argument over illegal immigration...lemme see if I got this right...it's okay for our companies to ship entire factories down there and fill them with lower paid native workers...but it isn't okay for them to come here and STEAL jobs from us...jobs NONE of us want to do anyway...it's really rather simple...as a country Mexico falls somewhere in between NOT worth a shit...and NOT yet industrialized to the point of being worth a shit...those of them with the determination to get into this country and pick fruits and vegetables...I say more POWER to them...that's exactly what our forefathers did...invaded a foreign land and took things from people that were there originally...I mean look at the dumb shit we have done in this country...we have pushed out the natives and taken their land for our own...we have enslaved black people to PICK cotton and do the manual labor chores we found unsavory for ourselves...all the way up to deporting people with in between skin...who want to come here and PICK stuff and do manual labor chores we find unsavory for ourselves...it's enough to make my head spin and projectile vomit split pea green soup...I mean what in the hell are we thinkin'...and for that matter what the hell are they thinkin'...all of our good manual labor paying jobs are already in their country...why would they need a license in the first place...stay home...ride the damn burro to work and build those American made vehicles...hell I'm all for making a land swap...give them California...and we will take all of Mexico...warmer climates...better beaches...TEQUILA...far too often we miss golden opportunities in order to maintain the status quo...screw that...let's give away some other shitty states while we're at it...we'll give Michigan to the French...in exchange we get any influence or territory they have a claim to in the Caribbean...why would the French want Michigan...proximity to Montreal, Canada...pay attention...we give Florida to the Cubans...we take over all the key islands and other tropical locations between mainland Florida and the equator...don't worry we will get Florida back...it's a ploy...but I mean damn...NOTHING in the Constitution stipulates we hafta be continuous states...expansion is the key to Empirical growth...and let's face it...without it we are doomed...because the Chinese own this property and the Mexicans are invading before the Wei Oan Ju and his army come runnin over...we need to think of where we wanna live next...I'm likin' the South American situation myself...nice thick jungles...beautiful scenery...cheaper labor rates...Oh wait...that last one only works if we stay here...oh well take whatcha can...right...some of the information we get to deal with...like this tidbit...interesting only because the author was fascinated by something that should be expected...I don't see anyone gettin' all excited because there are several people in Minnesota named Sven Svenson that have a drivers license...and a know why...because that's where Swedish and Norwegian natives decided to settle...same reason NOBODY gets all shocked beyond belief when half of Alabama show up at the DMV with Bubba printed on their birth certificate...we come to expect such things from these regions of the world...I don't see any shocked cajuns runnin' around because of all the Pierre's in the area...get out a little more...good lord...hava great Monday folks...I know I'm hopin' for a much better week!!!
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