Thursday, September 6, 2012


With cryonics, you can just "freeze" your head and choose a body when science is advanced enough to revive you...

...RIGHT...and uh...there are two glaring reasons why this piece of ignorant science fiction will NEVER reach reality...ONE being that in order to "freeze" a head it must first be detached from a body...preferably post mortem although it really doesn't matter...and SCIENCE has already proven...a HEAD cannot live without the BODY...and why is that folks???  Any guessers???  Anybody else pay attention in SCIENCE class during the Anatomy section???  NOBODY...well have no fear...that's why I am here...the HEAD cannot live without the BODY because the BODY contains the lungs...which supply the air to keep the brain alive and functioning...the BODY cannot live without the HEAD because it contains the air sucking apparatus that this idiot misused to spit out this retarded idea about me I know there are idiots out there that believe in of the early pioneers was Jeffrey Dahmer...who chopped the heads off of gay guys and stuck them in his freezer...apparently he wasn't happy with their current bodies either...hey I didn't say he was successful...but this is what happens with dumbass ideas...they get misconstrued and lead to problems in society...I watched a show recently with a buncha these cryonic caca melon keepers...paying anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000 to have their heads or their whole bodies frozen...and here's what gets me...your isn't like you just thaw out and come back to life...whether your a head or a body...SCIENCE has NOT reached a point where they even KNOW if they are using the right shit to "freeze" the bodies and money dumpin' dipshits...ya know what PEOPLE with a lick of common sense and understanding will tell ya about cryonics and whether or not it will work...CRYONICS is the equivalent of taking a hamburger off the grill and turning it back into a isn't gonna the hell can people be that damn dumb...I mean seriously...what do they offer ya to get ya to buy into this crap...a double your money back're DEAD're NEVER gonna know if they revive ya or NOT...once your dumbass DIES and the oxygen supply to the brain has been interrupted for more than five minutes...there isn't a force on EARTH that's gonna breathe life back into your lifeless corpse...ya know most of the time I rant and rave about the ignorance of the author of the tidbit...and this case is really no different...he's a dumbass just for believing it enough to repeat it...but the real idiots are the ones buying into it with their life savings...take a look around assbag...things aren't getting any better on this planet...WHY the HELL wouldja wanna come back...throughout history this planet and the people on it have become more and more violent...we are NOT peace loving people...we have ENEMIES that want to see our destruction...most of them are disguised as friends and allies...but the writing is on the wall...this is NOTTA place I would want to come back to...if ANYTHING I would rather see us find another planet to populate like in Avatar...ya know...floating mountains with waterfalls...maybe somewhere that has an adjustable atmosphere and healthier edible shit that can preserve life for an additional 100 years or so...because here's the thing...even if by some magical HOLLYWOOD based fantasy future revival by cryonics becomes f**kin' dumb is your 85 year old head going to look on an 18 year old body...didn't really think that one thru didja...what didja think that once your old ass head was reattached to a younger some freak Frankenstein concoction...with bolts stickin outta your neck...that it would just stay the same while it waited for the body to catch up in idiot...and what didja think maybe there wouldn't be a huge scar runnin all the way around your neck...what were ya gonna bring back corduroys and turtlenecks...maybe some of that oh so missed Disco...I mean really...even if ya freeze your whole body with do you know that 300 years from now when they can finally thaw ya out and bring ya back to life...that they won't speak a completely different language...something that you have NEVER heard...then where will ya be...and what if all currency is cellophane based and paper money has been outlawed...where will ya be then...broke...homeless...and with a head that doesn't fit the body it sits on...NO way of paying for an education...because let's face it...the job you once had...probably isn't gonna be around when ya come back...didja consider that before ya went plungin' into a cryonic tub full of goo...probably NOT...and let's not forget to mention that the people that took your hard earned money and placed your ass in the deep freeze with the fish...aren't gonna be around to ensure that your ass gets thawed out and fixed...matter of fact there's a good chance that your little cold container is gonna be disconnected from the power supply source and shipped out to sea where it will be dumped with all the other refuse...there are very few things that can transpose the boundaries of different states of being...water for instance...capable of being frozen...thawed...and frozen's also capable for it to be heated to the point of creating steam...where the moisture can then be trapped and converted back into water...HEADS not so much...but I'll tell ya what...for less than a 1/3rd of the cost...I'll "freeze" your head for ya...just have it hacked off and shipped to my front door...hell for that kinda money I'll even set a plate and pull ya out on the holidays...I'll be honest with ya...there really aren't a bigger buncha fucktards on the planet then these people...if ya ever hear of somebody thinking of investing in a cryonic head number is 373-393-4323...or (FRE-EZE-HEAD)...I could use the free money...let them know you know somebody that is even offering family three get one free...or you can buy the married couple minus mother-in-law package...ensuring that her head will be left to rot regardless of how much she offers...hey it's Thursday...have a great day!!!

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