Tuesday, September 25, 2012


20252 is Smokey the Bear's own zipcode...

You're jokin' right...I mean it's bad enough the fat man has his own postal address for kids who are lied to about Christmas...now we gotta have a zip code for a fake fire preventing bear...seriously...I think somebody blew it on that one...isn't the normal protocol for fire prevention to CALL the fire department by punchin' 911 on the phone pad...I could be wrong...it has happened on occasion...I know...I know...I still find it hard to swallow myself...but it does happen from time to time...anyway...as I was sayin'...before I so brutally interrupted myself...I could be wrong here...but doesn't it seem remotely possible that if you send SMOKEY a postcard about a possible brush fire at the Ponderosa...that by the time he gets it and replies...the forest will be a little less green...and a helluvalot more ASHY...I mean I know here in the little town I live in the Fire Department is seen as a joke...previously located on Main Street in a town with maybe 30 roads...total...they let a house across the street burn to the ground before they could get to it...needless to say if a phone call didn't work...a zip code is gonna be of NO use at all...thankfully for the Fire Department in this town...they relocated just outside the 'city' limits...I guess it's easier to justify NOT putting afire out if you have an extra block or two to travel...I just don't get it...what did they think...that old SMOKEY might have time to write back???  Obviously if he is opposed to BURNING down trees...he is equally opposed to their use as paper producing products of nature...it's 2012...how about you get SMOKEY his own web site...or IP address if he is feelin' lonely...have him set up a Facebook Page and a Twitter account...what the hell is wrong with these people...NOBODY uses the post office anymore except to send out junk mail that NOBODY else wants...99% of my mail goes right in the recycle bin without so much as an opening...I mean seriously...sendin' SMOKEY a snail mail seems a little ruh-tarded if ya ask me...regardless of what Century it is...send smoke signals...I mean really...who sees a forest fire and stops long enough to write the brush fire fightin' bear a little snippet about the searing heat and the suffering animals...this is part of what's wrong with our entire infrastructure here in America...backwards ass ways of coming up with solutions to simple problems...sendin' SMOKEY a short note in the hopes he will arrive in time to put it out...is like voting in the upcoming election for the candidate you think lies the best on TV about correcting America's NEVER ENDING problems...only to realize 4 years later that the last two decades were so f**ked there is NO way to fix it with more laws...bills...and bullshit...our country's comment box is similar to SMOKE'S mailbox...littered with literature that NOBODY will EVER pay attention to...I think we need to revamp the system...from the ground up...I know the majority of us have gone through a hiring process or two in our lifetimes...REMEMBER how many times you got hired after an interview...where the employer welcomes you to the team...on a 90 day TRIAL PERIOD...if everything goes well you'll be treated a little less like a f**ktard and a little more like a human...why haven't we demanded that from our politicians...seems fair to me...you get 3 months after taking office to get SMOKEY and all your fake little forest friends up to speed...cell phones...tablets...tools of technology...if you fall on your face...OUT ya go...don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya...and NO second chances...if you fail the first go around...either during the initial election process or during the 90 day trial period...that IS IT...on the application where the employer...(US)...asks if you have EVER applied for a position with this country before...if your answer is YES...done...run that shitty little application through the shredder and move on...and I think we need to get rid of the added expense of a Presidential Posse...(Secret Service...because that's all they really are)...if you apply for the position of President...you go in knowing what the possibilities are...do your JOB and NOBODY will bother you...F**k around and people are gonna wanna see you drawn and quartered...it's NO different than any other position that people are passionate about...you're a public figure...quit wastin' money creating zip codes for things that DON'T EXIST...do yourself a favor if you happen upon a forest fire...turn around and RUN!!!

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