Friday, September 28, 2012


The Buddhist priest and mystic, Kukai, is believed by his followers to have become a 'Buddha in his own body' by mummifying himself while still alive...

Oh those wacky Buddhist bobbleheads...what with their mysticism...and supposed worldly knowledge...apparently NEVER heard of the Egyptian race...remember those guys...pyramid perfecting mummy masters from the land by the Nile...funny thing...those little desert dwellin' sun worshipping whipper snappers embalmed bodies when they were DEAD...because here's the thing...mummifying a body consists of several different steps...all performed to prepare the DECEASED for entrance into the AFTERlife...NOT one single mummification procedure can be ACCOMPLISHED while you are alive...unless of course you consider wrappin' yourself in strips of towel a step of which case...wouldn't all Buddhist priests be 'Buddha's in their own bodies' about kickin' their ass with their own philosophy...think I just summed that all up rather quickly...sometimes I amaze myself in how easy things are to perceive from a different perspective...what kinda retarded...bald...preacher of the fat bastard...hasn't taken the time to educate themselves about the proper steps of preparing to walk with Buddha in the Great Beyond...or whatever their name is for it...I mean seriously...was he fat and stiff when he got done...unable to breathe and plated in bronze...droopy ass earlobes and bitch tits...cause otherwise he failed...apparently Buddhist monks should stick to what they know...MEDITATION...which is kinda like MEDICATION...without the side effects...sure it makes ya worship fat guys that shaved their heads bald...while wandering aimlessly around the world wondering what the hell just happened...small price to pay for peace of mind...must be really difficult to meditate all those worries away when you won't even step on a grasshopper...what I wanna know is who actually saw this Kukai...Fran...and Ollie character get mummified...these guys are supposed to be sittin around Indian style with their eyes would appear as those we are in need of a Siddartha Stalker if we are to believe the great Kukai Guy created a Buddha in his own body...if NOBODY saw it...I think Imma hafta call Buddha shit on that one...there are things that are possible through Meditation...I have NO doubt...seent it on the TV box...I seent it...but self mummification is NOT one of them...self mutilation YES...self mummification...NOT so involves opening the body cavity and removing certain organs...sewing up the body cavity...he placement of the heart scabbard and the wrappin of the body in parchment and paste...if the first two things...openin' and closin' the body cavity...don't kill ya...the parchment and paste cloggin your nostrils and mouth should do the trick... a Buddha in his own body...right...and I'm skinny this way by limiting my drug intake to marijuana and munchies...didn't hafta wrap my ass in mummy material either...course at my age it doesn't matter...missed out on all the hot chicks and hip shakes...I'll tell ya what...Idk about you folks...but I for one am damn glad it's the weekend...Buddhist priests and mummified mystics...can't wait to see what we have in store for Monday!!!  Have a great weekend!!!

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