Dentures were commonly made with teeth pulled from the mouths of dead soldiers...
Isn't that just delectable...kinda makes ya wanna schedule an appointment with the dentist tomorrow doesn't it...yeah me neither...I have NO idea if this tidbit holds water or NOT...what I am pretty sure it does hold is left over food particles and already present's the skinny...if this was ever true it was during the days when soldiers were in the field and at war situations unlike those enjoyed on the battlefields of today...void of teeth cleaning things like toothbrushes...toothpaste...and water...which means that these people suffered some of the worst dental hygiene of the day...which as it was...probably lacked any substance...yanking the teeth out of dead soldiers sounds legitimate...brutal humans that we were back then...taking everything that they could from the dead and moving they didn't tell ya that in all those government controlled public education facilities you attended during your formative did they...IDK about you folks...I, myself am missing a few teeth...and guess what...NOTTA false tooth in my head...simply because they haven't perfected the solution as of yet...the reason I had the damn tooth pulled in the first place was to ALLEVIATE pain...NOT compound the problem by JAMMING foreign objects in places where they do not belong...I would rather walk around with a smile full of gaps you could drive a golf ball through...than sit there and suffer from constant and continuous denture pain...especially if it was gonna come from actual teeth from a dead soldier...I mean I am damn glad we have soldiers and am proud of my brothers and sisters that have served even if I disagree with the reasons they were sent their in the first place...I mean unless the damn thing is made from solid gold why wouldja want you have any idea how extremely difficult it would be to find a dead soldier with teeth the same size...shape and style as the ones you need...let alone the EXACT tooth that is missing...that's an awful lotta killin' just to get a set of teef...personally I think ya might have a better shot at buyin' a blender and puree-ing your food...but that's just me...I could be wrong...I mean I would hafta think tho that is this was an acceptable solution for are BUBBA TEEF...which are currently being sold in Halloween stores all over the country...much cheaper...and NOBODY hadta die to put them together...why on earth would anybody wanna put somebody elses teeth in their own gullet...I mean I'm all for breaking bread together...but I kinda had eating my own plate a food in mind when I agreed to the process...I mean DAYYYYUM...havin dead soldiers teeth in your mouth has gotta be like drinking the water from your grandma's denture cup...can you imagine if they had television back around the Civil War when this was probably popular...a Winn Dixie commercial comes on...coupla cowboys herdin' cattle across the prairies...they get ambushed by a gang of masked marauders...there's a gunfight and a couple of soldiers die...Sam Elliot pops on screen with his famous trademark handlebar moustache...cowboy hat tilted back...walks over to one of the dead soldiers...bends down...runs a finger into his mouth...yanks out a tooth and shoves it up in the gap where he is missing a tooth...turns to the camera...makes a sucking the teeth sound...grins and says..."When squirrel just doesn't cut it for supper..." nods towards the cattle and the cowboys herdin them..."BEEF...IT'S WHAT YA WANT FOR DINNER!!!"
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