If you stand at the bottom of a well you would be able to see the stars even in the middle of the day...
This very...veRY...VERY interesting...I would challenge the author of this fantasy to a duel of the dimwitted...but as we will soon come to find out...he would be lacking the necessary equipment to perform adequately under such lenient conditions...there are several things WRONG with this tidbit...and once again I must beg your mercy in premature judgment as I stoop to a level just about poop scooper...potty patrol...rule number one...according to the degradating levels of dumbness this potential asshat wearing individual allowed to accompany them throughout life...stipulates that you cannot see the STARS during daylight hours under ANY condition...because stars aren't out during the day...hey he started it...no but seriously reread that statement and see if certain aspects don't just hop off the screen and smack some common sense right into the middle of your forehead...problem number one...he wants YOU to get in the well and try this theory out...ask yourself why??? Because the majority of people reading that statement are more curious about whether or not it will work...rather than paying attention to detail and neglecting the information as ridiculous...thereby saving themselves the embarrassment that is sure to accompany the dumbfounded dimwits that follow orders without asking...STOP for a second and read into the tidbit...what is the first thing that comes to mind when you really read into it??? ANYBODY??? SOMEBODY hasta see the inherent problem associated with the dynamics involved with this tidbit...what are WELLS used for class??? To draw WATER from...that's right don't be shy...sp...sp...sp...spit it out if ya know the answer...and what does WATER pose the possible risk of...DROWNING...which is a very real probability if the WELL is as DEEP as it should be...NOT too mention it blurs the vision...if you are standing at the bottom of a WELL staring skyward...you are going to see several things...the top of the WATER level...a bucket and rope perhaps...and a hooded shelter from which the bucket and rope dangle...the STARS won't be visible until your DUMBASS starts to deprive itself of enough oxygen to keep the brain alive...but there is a plus side to this little equation...many of the people attempting this little trick will NOT have had the opportunity to be so gracefully educated by yours truly as all of you have...and this will serve a very useful purpose...because it depletes the idiot gene of those that get STUCK in the WELL due to piss poor planning procedures and the gift of ingenuity that allowed them to tackle this task as a solo project...I know what most of you are thinking right about now...but Kevin...there are EMPTY WELLS around the world that have since had there cupolas removed...do these NOT provide the potential for proving this theory correct??? WHY YES...YES THEY DO...for al those unfamiliar with that little invention of Sir Galilee Galileo...called the TELESCOPE...which due to modern TECHNOLOGY...has made STAR GAZING during SUNLIGHT hours so much EASIER than descending a WELL and finding a way back OUT...and they are so compact you can carry them anywhere and view PLANETS and orbital object of various constellations...an aspect of Astronomy that is severely limited when conducted by otherworldly WELL WATCHERS...I mean the choice is yours of course...but I'm pretty sure if David had a gun the whole Goliath story would have had a different tag line!!!
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