Thursday, October 11, 2012


In Utah, pharmacists may not sell gunpowder to cure headaches...

I didn't even know they sold gunpowder in Utah...but I could see where it might come in handy...what is Utah famous for???  That's right least one sided polygamy anyway...Mormon men are permitted to marry as many women as they want without question...yeah...yeah...I know what you're gonna say...they don't do that anymore...BULLSHIT...that's like saying politicians are forbidden to cannot simply flip and on and off switch and make things stop happening...the Mormons...much like politicians...wait...aren't they the same thing in the upcoming election...anyway...both classifications of assbag inhibitors are guilty of the same thing...covert and cleverly disguised operations...they haven't stopped marrying in multiplicity...they've just figured out new ways to distract your attention to other things so you don't notice it anymore...I've NEVER seen a problem with the POLYGAMIST life HUMANS...represent the top of the Animal Kingdom on this planet...and like every other animal in the for a few solidarity sexual partner is in our nature to fornicate and multiply...with as many members of the opposite sex as promotes CONTINUITY of our species and race...however it does pose some problems for those that partake...such as ENORMOUS headaches...created by the NEVER ending presence of ESTROGEN spewing females...who ever said they were made from Sugar and Spice...I think they heard it wrong...Drama and Strife is more like it...I'm thinkin' the gunpowder was not taken was used for its intended purpose which was to manufacture BULLETS...which are a sure fire way to rid oneself of a headache...I mean can you imagine...all those wives under one roof...gotta be like havin' all of your wisdom teeth erupting in unison...excruciatingly painful and unpleasant to deal with...make ya wanna rip both sides of your face off and use the CASTAWAY method of tooth removal...a nice sharp skate blade and a rock for a hammer...ANYTHING to make it all go away...cuz they don't have CALGON for men...real men anyway...I'll bet before this little law was passed there were plenty of mysterious deaths up there in the old Mormon Mansion state of Utah...probably hundreds of unsolved murders from back in the day when the husband got tired of making hay...ya know...I don't mean to point out the obvious...well yes I do...that's why we all show up here anyway...isn't discover things about the levels of ignorance man is capable of...that's what I thought...what do pharmacists do???  They hand out MEDICINE...what is gunpowder NOT classified as...MEDICINALLY USEFUL...kinda makes ya wonder what's goin on up there at Brigham Young University doesn't it...gunpowder has been around for centuries...eons and eons...the Chinese used it to manufacture fireworks...objects that EXPLODED when the chemical composition of the gunpowder was altered or that somethin' you think might wanna whip up in a milkshake to cure a medical malady...I didn't think so...listen if you hafta make LAWS prohibiting the use of gunpowder in have BIGGER problems...and they lie in the EDUCATION sector...somethin' ya might wanna think about when castin' your vote this fall...NOT that I give a flyin f**k at a rollin' doughnut which MAGNIFICENT MISTAKE you cast our vote always amazes me to hear the HEATED political debates brought up by my friends and family...what does history do class???  IT REPEATS ITSELF WITHOUT PREJUDICE...this includes hafta view Presidential elections like you would VIRGINITY...once you have been F** cannot UNF**K yourself and become a VIRGIN again...the position of POTUS is the most overpaid position associated with CONTINUAL FAILURE...ya know how ya fix a country once it becomes a INVADE it...which unfortunately we cannot do to ourselves...Have a Great Weekend...I got baseball games to watch!!!

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