Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Soldiers do not march in step when going across bridges because they could set up a vibration which could knock down the bridge...

Listen...I'm havin trouble figurin out if this is an actual tidbit...or a sentence from a fifth graders bad research paper...look I'm no military genius...and some of their tactics are beyond comprehension...especially in this day and age with regards to transportation with LPC's...(Leather Personnel Carriers)...BOOTS PEOPLE...BOOTS...but ya don't hafta be a war historian to realize the real reason soldiers do not cross a bridge while marching in step...a bridge is a confined area...with very little in the way of COVER or CONCEALMENT...they therefore provide an excellent KILL ZONE...you cross a bridge one man at a time to minimize the potential for exposure and damage in the form of DEAD soldiers...a battalion of battle hardened soldiers is much easier to manage if the people in it are ALIVE...walking across a bridge...in or outta step has NEVER caused a bridge to FALL..it has caused some to be BOMBED...after which they fell...but that was more than a well timed vibratory occurrence...a very famous event in WWII history...at the hands of General George Patton...depicts the degree of attention given to this theory...realizing that the troops under his command were exposed to the enemy...when a farmer and his stubborn mule obstructed a bridge he and his men were crossing...Patton pulled his ivory covered iron and shot the mule on sight...ordering his men to discard of the animal and proceed...some in the military and here back at home shuddered at the sheer audacity with which Patton carried out this task...those that were on that bridge that day may not have realized it at the moment...but that single act of soldiery allowed each and every one of those men to live another day...bridges create avenues of opportunity for the enemy as well as the allies...controlling them is an essential part of winning any war...they provide avenues of opportunity for both the enemy and the ally...in the form of supply chain routes and key access incursion points...if the army in your country creates such a violent vibration when walking as to allude to the possibility of complete and total destruction of a bridge...I dare say the obesity epidemic of that country far exceeds anything we are experiencing here in the United States...in which case...knocking the bridge down is the least of their worries...in this day and age of modern technology as it applies to warfare...large troop movements are conducted with massive transportation devices...such as PLANES...BOATS & TRUCKS...brigades and battalions seldom MARCH together at all...simply because they provide a LARGER target...small team tactics are taught and adhered to...troop movement is conducted in squads...smaller targets...less damage...destruction and DEATH...bridges are fought over with PLANES and TANKS as opposed to stand alone soldiers...ya know what does cause bridges to come crumbling and crashing down through extensive vibratory forces...EARTHQUAKES...natural occurring forces beyond the current control of man...although every country on this planet is involved in weather manipulation...which accounts for an increase in the Global Warming theory...another item in human history we can look back on in twenty years and realize how absolutely ridiculous we were...on a side note I would like to APPLAUD the 20+ states that have initiated petitions to the White House to peacefully secede from the Union...it is high time the rest of the country became as disgruntled as I am with the current political landscape...while I doubt the federal government will simply roll over and allow a peaceful secession by the states and the people that NO longer have faith in the corrupt for of control the asshats in D.C. impose...it is a step in the right direction...the state of Texas attained well over the 25,000 signatures required to garner a response from the administration...a peaceful resolution to this mess is highly unlikely...since those that are currently in charge stand to lose their jobs and control of the power pie...kinda hard to point the fingers at others and demand money you don't deserve if you allow the people you impose your wicked ways on to just up and leave...I'm excited to see where this leads next...because I for one would LOVE to see the states regain their independence for tyranny...Michigan is also on the list...you can sign the petition yourself online if you wish...and why NOT...we control a couple significant bridge formations...one of which is crossed annually by MILLIONS of people in a single day...who are WALKING...or marching...and it has yet to collapse...so I feel confident in saying we're SAFE in that respect...the secession of the states is the ONLY way to return POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!

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