Thursday, November 1, 2012


80% of 6th graders in the U.S. cannot locate the United States on a map of the world...

This speaks volumes about our current education system...and supports my theory to save your damn money...lemme tell ya somethin'...if you have a kid in the 6th grade and they can't find the country they live in on a map of the and your sister should get divorced IMMEDIATELY...I mean seriously...U.nited S.tates...if ya can't find it on a map of the world it's because you can't spell...for Pete's sake people...I would be beside myself if I had a child that old and that stupid...and believe me there are days when I hafta step outside my mortal shell just to be able to make sense of some of the DUMB shit I still hear my kids come up makes me wanna deep six the entire public education's bullshit...your children can be better educated in private institutions...and they don't hafta be can teach them better than an overpaid educator from a government controlled public facility...I've NEVER agreed with these places...even when I was required to register at one and show up occasionally...they do NOT care about the children or their education...they care about how much money they are gonna make...and it's PATHETIC...I teach my children daily for FREE...and do a better job of it...tragic really...when ya think about it...the teachers of our children are FAILING at epic proportions if this tidbit is true...and I have NO doubt it can't make up horseshit like hasta be based in FACT...I have a damn good feelin'...that 80% of 6th graders grow up to post bad information on the internet for me to dissect and pull apart with a fine toothed comb...this tidbit teller apparently did his or her HOMEWORK as it were...this is why I am NOW under personally imposed suspension from attending such fucktions as PTA meetings...I ABHOR the fact that I can usually walk into the room sit down and talk circles around these mental midgets about the damn subjects they teach...because the students they teach...NEVER think outside the box...they buy into and BELIEVE everything they read in those fancy little textbooks that are furnished by the government of the country they can't locate...I don't know who I wanna slap first or hardest...the teacher or the student...because here's the thing...if you can't identify the country you live in...we CANNOT afford to feed you or protect your family anymore...ya can't blame all of the ignorance on the an 11 to 12 year old kid...your dumb ass should gotten familiar with a map along time ago...especially in this day and age...INTERNET...HELLO???  I mean seriously...DAYYYYYYUUUUUUUMMM...Google even has an 'Images' tab as well as a 'Maps' tab...both of which look pretty up there on the running bar...but are also useful tools for research...such as when wanting to view PICTURES of anything on the PLANET...including the clump of f**kin' clay beneath your feet...which should be occupied by somebody that isn't a product of finger bangin' a family member with the wrong phallic phalanges...if you are an educator teaching children of any age and they can't point to the spot on the map where they live...not just by country...but by general region and location as well...your sorry ass needs to be drawn and quartered...I don't wanna hear anymore of this whiny...PATHETIC...PMS...(Poor Me Syndrome)...BULLSHIT...if your ass didn't KNOW goin' in what a thankless job and piss poor paycheck came with the position...SHAME ON YOU...obviously you weren't sitting in any of the same classes as me...cuz I was merciless on most of them...challenging and relentless...and it got worse on the days I actually showed up for class...this is a sad day for our country folks...a tragic foretelling of our countries future...are children can no longer ad without the aid of a calculator or computer...they haven't the ability to think without some form of technology glued to their hand...I'll NEVER forget watching my son Matthew get frustrated as hell about not being able to figure out matrices in Math...even though dear old dad had just purchased him the must have Texas Instruments Graphing Calculator for the low...low cost of $169.00...that was some four years ago...they've gone up in price...he struggled with that equation for quite sometime...I eventually got up walked over...and while he was attempting to explain to me how to enter all of this ridiculous crap into the field on the calculator...I took one look at the problem on paper and told him the answer was 28...I couldn't show him how to do the work...because most of the time me and numbers get along better than me and vocabulary...I know...scary isn't it...the way they teach these kids to do these equations today is truly disappointing...I get that the times have moved on...I get that technology rules the day...that in order to maximize and must NOT only be the smartest on the block...but also the fastest...but if Hollywood has taught us is that they appear to have an eye into the future...90% of the imaginative ideas that appear FUTURISTIC in the movies...are that way because that's the sh*t we're gonna end up with in the FUTURE...and with plenty of Apocalyptic full length feature films...I'm guessin' that at some point in FUTURE generations...calculators and computers may end up being NOTHING more than ya gonna make change at the barter shop then ya big dumb bastahds...that's been a problem associated with government funded public education ever since its inception...the EDUCATORS are more concerned with pay than the CRAP they are forced to teach...even when they KNOW that some of it is laden with BULLSHIT they continue to preach it...I'm more concerned with PERFORMANCE...than pay scale...if you are FAILING to meet what should be EVERYBODY'S can you sit there and cry and pout about wanting a PAY RAISE...go back to school...get a different degree...pick a different isn't the end of the world...but I'm tellin' ya what...if 80% of children up to the age of 11 or 12 can't pinpoint with absolutely accuracy...the country they live in...I've worked in sales...I was damn good at it too...SALES...are part of EACH & EVERY career out hafta SELL yourself almost everyday...your abilities to perform...your abilities to take on more hafta SELL yourself just to get the damn job...NOBODY asks for MORE money than the PRODUCT they are providing is you do NOT establish VALUE...NOBODY will hear your pleas for MORE I am NOT sayin that there aren't some good teachers out there...DAMN GOOD ones at that...who do go above and beyond the call of duty...they still have NO place to part of a TEAM...or COMPANY...or whatever it may be...YOU are only as GOOD as your weakest should distance yourself and seek a position in the PRIVATE sector...where your talents will be appreciated and your pay scale will be satisfactory!!!

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