Thursday, November 8, 2012


There are no permanent rivers in Saudi Arabia...

Well...I didn't need an education course in cartography to figure that out all on my own...there are seldom any permanent rivers in the middle of a but seriously...has this idiot NEVER looked at a map...there are several rivers that run through Saudi of which spans the country from one body of sea water to do these people get drinkable water if they have NO permanent fresh water resources...even if this asshat is half right and the surface rivers dry up during the dry season...there has gotta be permanent underground river systems which supply fresh water resources for the dumbasses that choose to live in a reminds me of something Sam Kinison in one of his stage performances...ya know why the people in these regions are starving???  Because they live in the DESERT...ITS SAND...NOTHING GROWS IN SAND...if ya wanna STOP STARVATION quit sending them food...relocate them to an area with less SAND...same applies for dry area and regions with little or NO permanent fresh water supplies...try and pay attention to the various animals in the kingdom in your surrounding area...they migrate to where the water is...without it they will will you and your neighbors...I mean how simple can it's an area where NOTHING grows...and NO other animals are present...let's set up a village right HERE and see what happens...that is the most f**ktarded thing I've ever heard of...I mean seriously...what were you expecting...salvation through SAND???  I personally don't my opinion those people get what they deserve...riding around the desert on camels...covered from head to toe in bed linens...why dontcha build a sweat hut to swelter in while you're at it...I find it very improbable that the Saudi Elite...those in control of the countries vast oil supply...are trading their commodity for fresh water...they wouldn't be as filthy rich as they are...bottled water companies around the world would be the top dog on the financial scene...oil prices would drop and gas prices would return to their previous levels...NOBODY lives in an area permanently when there is NO available fresh water is impossible...WATER is one of the key elements for SURVIVAL...even with bottled water being available in several areas...if you do NOT have the finances to procure the supply you will need it won't matter...and since SAND is NOT a suitable resource for anything aside from glass production and castle constructions on the beach...chances are you are gonna need to have a variable resource for providing an much as I appreciate the warmer climates associated with some of these regions...there are places I would choose NOT to live...places with more SAND than WATER top the list...I do suppose it is possible for this tidbit to be would explain why there have NEVER been any BIGFOOT sightings in Saudi Arabia...NOTHING to hide behind...and NO source of sustenance...making these hairy creatures smarter than some of their human counterparts...this is what happens when you wrap your head in dampens the level of knowledge and common sense for the clown wearing their washcloths on their head...try moving slightly north of the Tropic of Cancer...the climate change won't be that significant...and the water supply will be in wider abundance...buncha camel hump hooligans anyway!!!

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