Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Approximately 16 Canadians have there appendices removed, when not required, every day...

Well doesn't that beat all...I mean I've heard of elective surgery but this takes the's one thing to have your appendix removed when it needs to be...but to schedule an operation for a surgery that doesn't need to be conducted seems sorta Guinea piggish to me...I mean I know they get free health care in Canada...but come on...16 people a day are occupying surgical facilities for unnecessary procedures while others might be more in need of life saving techniques...that's just wrong...having yourself opened up for reasons that don't make sense usually leads to further medical problems in the future...hospitals are notorious from spreading diseases...even in the cleanest environments the risk is not worth the reward...even if medical care in your country is conducted free of charge to the's one thing to consult with a physician for a surgery that needs to take's quite another to call one up and ask to be scheduled to have a surgical procedure conducted that could be avoided throughout life...I mean if you're gonna have an elective surgery performed...why not schedule a cranial anal removal will apparently be more beneficial for all concerned...seriously...if your head was in the right atmosphere you wouldn't just walk into a health care clinic and request a surgical procedure out of the blue...and here's the other problem...if there are that many Canadians getting this procedure done on a daily basis...wouldn't they have gone through everyone in the country by now...there can't be more than a weeks worth of work for the doctors...there just aren't enough citizens...I would think that for job security reasons you would want to dissuade your prospective clients from having unnecessary services might wanna consider that if you wanna remain employed in your prestigious professional position...otherwise people are gonna stop coming to see you because they won't need doctors anymore...all their problems will be solved before they ever have a chance to have any issues...normally I would have more to say on the subject but I am exhausted from a fairly long day...tune back in tomorrow to find out what I hafta say on our next subject of stupidity...I gotta get to bed before I fall asleep face first on my keyboard...have a great day!!!

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