Tuesday, January 1, 2013


It is against the law to pawn your dentures in Las Vegas...

Well folks...before we get started I trust you are all enjoying the aftermath of the Mayan Apocalypse mantra...unfortunately I am NOT as excited about the whole event...NOT one single person in my little village jumped off a cliff or drank Kool-aid...which can only mean that we will be furnished with plenty of ammunition from asshats for the next year...for those of you that do not follow me on facebook I have initiated a Slap Happy New Year...any time you come across a person that lacks the common sense of a shattered peanut shell...you simply SLAP the stupid right outta them...it's open season with NO bag limits...have fun with it...kids that can't seem to wear their pants above the lower thigh...get a SLAP regardless of what they are doing...same goes for lifelong Lions fans...you can just beat them with a stick...apparently they aren't gonna learn any time soon...OKAY...on with the tidbit...IDK what is scarier...that people in Las Vegas actually consider this as an option for getting a short term loan..or that you need a law in place to prevent it...apparently Las Vegas is primed for the Slap Happy New Year platform...cuz I mean seriously...what pawn shop owner would even make an offer on an item of this nature...one that does NOT want to stay in business very long...I wouldn't think a law of this sort would be necessary...you can't resell the item if you are the pawn shop owner...NOT because the law prohibits it...but because dentures are made for people on an individual basis...they won't fit correctly for someone else...for the person looking to pawn the dentures the money they receive will NOT be enough to cover the blender they will need to purchase in order to feed themselves in the future...NOT to mention if I wanted to taste what you've had for dinner the last three weeks I'd ask you to adopt me or invite me to dinner...I wouldn't try to purchase your old used dentures at the Dollars 4 Dentures Department of the local pawn shop...what's next pirates shopping at pawn shops for glass eyes to replace their patches...hell ya might as well try and sell off your table scraps if you're gonna try and get money for mouth held mechanical devices...some things do NOT require a law to protect the ignorant...just a cap full of common sense...you don't see a law in place preventing the possibility of placing a previously used prophylactic up for pawn do ya...NO... WHY???  You shouldn't hafta ask why...if ya do then you probably have no business reading from these pages in the first place...you don't see laws preventing people from offering used toilet paper products for pawn either do ya???  There's a damn good reason for this...and it applies to dentures as well...NOBODY wants to be that intimate with ANYONE else NO matter how much they love them...if I wanted to take something from your mouth and place it in my mouth I woulda been born a bird...dentures are a poor substitute for wings!!!  Now I want you folks to do me a favor...we are going to expand for the 2013 year and beyond...the basic format for this forum in the past has been for my Momma to research funny and useless facts that she finds all over the internet...she will be retiring the middle of this year and moving onto enjoy what she has so rightfully earned...FREEDOM from dealing with the f**ktards we all encounter in our daily lives...with that in mind we are going to incorporate the readers into the mix so to speak...Momma will be lightening her load and offering three useless fun facts a week for me to comment on...that means that the rest of you readers will need to fill the gap...if there is a subject you would like me to cover...a topic you find amusingly interesting yet completely useless...or if you have an item of interest you would like to hear my viewpoints on please feel free to use the comment box window to reply and offer your ideas...you can do so anonymously if you choose...you can also send me an email at chaunman2010@gmail.com and I will assure you that I will keep your identity secret from the rest of the readers...I hope everyone has an enjoyable...prosperous and healthy New Year!!!

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