The Egyptian pyramids are located at the intersection of the latitudes and longitudes which cover the greatest amount of land on Earth... I the ONLY person on the planet that has EVER looked at a damn globe??? Latitudes are lines that wrap around the globe and mark a places location in relation to a north/south position...these lines vary in the amount of distance they cover because they are parallel to the Equator...which is the LONGEST latitude...unfortunately the pyramids lie 29° 59' N meaning they are NO where near the latitude with that encompasses the greatest distance around the Earth...dipshit...learn far as longitudes are concerned...they are all the SAME distance...since the lines begin at one polar point on the planet...form an arced yet straight line through the opposite pole and continue back to their points of origin...ANY dumbass coulda got that one right...even tho the pyramids reside at 31° 09' E of the Prime really doesn't matter since you could hypothetically draw the same type of longitudinal line through this exact point and it would result in the same amount of distance...(I know where you are going with your questions of authentication)...Kevin, distances vary at longitudes due to topical differences in terrain...such as mountains and valleys...NO it does not...distance is calculated these days with high tech land survey equipment which nullifies topographical differences in terrain dynamics...I know because I have worked in this field previously...yes back in the golden days of using what was available to measure survey teams used 100' lengths of chain and tried to shoot a straight and true line...the problem was these distances were inaccurate because they did include topographical terrain differences...distance is now calculated using a constant flat surface as the basis...such as sea level...this allows us to precisely measure how far it is from one point to another...without taking structures into consideration...what is interesting is that if you look at theories of Ancient power grids on the planet what you find is an exactness that should NOT have been possible given the crude and rudimentary knowledge and tools we assume they used...damn near every megalithic prehistoric structure...the pyramids on the Giza plateau included...and you draw straight lines around the globe using a any two of them as the basis for establishing the line that will encompass the surface of Earth...they form an enormous global geometric diagram to within a degree of being PRECISE...what is even more interesting is that the majority of these megalithic structures include massively huge and heavy expertly cut and fashioned stones weighing in at over 1,000 tons...objects that were quarried from deposits located hundreds of miles from where the actual structure stands...archaeologists would have us believe these master stone masons were able to do this using NOTHING more than stone age hand tools and logs for transport...yet when you speak with someone that is in the career field of massive mining...they will inform you that the GIGANTIC Earth moving equipment we have the advantage of using today...COULDN'T handle projects that large...recent discoveries from archaeological digs are turning up significant evidence that the history of humans may be far more complex and date back beyond what we currently believe to be the beginning of conjunction with transportation issues comes the explanation of precise carvings that would be difficult to achieve prior to the invention of 3-D modeling...there are also mysteries surrounding the explanation of evident tool markings that could NOT be conducted with Stone Age hand tools...mud-less mortar joints that fit so tightly together you couldn't shove a tachyon thread between them...perfectly cut indentations that we can ONLY duplicate with modern equipment and technology...a preciseness with which modern architects have problems understanding or theorizing on...and let's NOT forget the fact that at the time of these structures being erected NOBODY on Earth had a clue...(or supposedly had NO clue) as to what a longitude or latitude was...and you have a very significant problem with the history of humans as we know it...and it stems from collective conscience propaganda...ANYTIME somebody that has spent the larger part of their early years obtaining a degree with the letters PHD attached to it...goes into the field and develops some far fetched theory about how something came to be...the rest of the world accepts this theory as fact...rather than stopping for a second and thinking for themselves...after all these IDIOTS wasted their time and money studying shit they couldn't possibly hope to understand...only to offer their OPINIONS as proven facts...some dumb ass whispers..."Global warming is a serious threat"...and EVERYONE feels they need to adopt a greener lifestyle...they don't even blink an eye at the fact that data for modern weather related events has only been recorded for a little over 100 years...yet there is absolute proof that the planet has undergone drastic changes in temperatures throughout it's existence...geological discoveries indicate that the planet continues to experience drastic dips in temperatures which result in Ice Ages...followed by drastic rises in temperature which return uninhabitable areas to habitable is a healing process the planet incorporates all by itself...the more we learn the less we actually know!!!
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