Thursday, March 21, 2013


People with mental disorders such as psychoses rarely yawn... 

That's probably due to the fact that you can't yawn while drooling all over yourself...ya know I am often amazed at the aspects of an issue people find fascinating enough to put out as factual tidbit I ain't sure bout the rest of y'all...but I seldom give a shit if the psycho I am staring at attention has been drawn to them because they pose the potential to back a screw out and flip shit without forewarning...very seldom do I sit in silent observation of that big sumbitch over in the corner with the scar running thru his eye and down his cheek to see if he is tired or lacking main concern is monitoring his he sitting there plotting revenge on his treasonous lover and her new bed buddy??? I'm fine with that...his focus is occupied elsewhere and I need not be worried about what else he is doing that he sitting there hating life and everyone in it...silently plotting his 15 minutes of fame on national TV because his Momma didn't pay enough attention to him when he was young??? Well then I am placing myself and those with me near the closest possible exit...when his eyes cross...snot flies from his nose and steam erupts from his ear sockets...I'm GTFOD (Gettin' the F**k Outta Dodge) before anyone else in the general vicinity...I'm runnin until my shoes sport holes in the soles my friends...screw stickin' around to be interviewed...I view psychotic sumbitches the same way I do is NOT necessary for me to outrun the bear...just everyone else in the immediate area...let those slow of feet be the your ass and live to fight another I know that NOT everyone with a mental disorder has a form of psychosis...and let's be honest...everyone on this this juncture of human history has some form of psychosis...and most of us yawn...(I know what you're thinking...but Kevin...I have NO mental unjust of you to stereotype me as such)...and if that did actually run through your proves my point...that you do INDEED have some form of psychosis...people with mental disorders do NOT realize they have least for the most part...they think like you do...that EVERYTHING they do is NORMAL...and that the rest of the world is suffering from some sort of delusional drama...ask yourself a few test questions...Have I ever done anything in life that was so embarrassingly stupid I wanted to keep it to myself or at least as secret as possible??? Do I consider myself closer to the level of genius than I do those around me??? Do people often invite me out to social events because of the stories involving my name the following day??? See the thing is what one person may consider to be a mental disorder...another might consider normal or above average in the areas of intelligence...we can't all be right...and in many cases the fine line between being dubbed a drool bucket or a genius is so thin tachyons have trouble landing on my opinion the number one cause of mental disorders in America is mass media and their myriad of misinformation...and when you throw technology into the mix you get a very clear picture of just how DUMB we have become...I mean holy these days are being programmed to think as they are told...rather than being instructed on the beauty of thinking for themselves...I am ashamed of myself for allowing my children to be schooled in the fine art of collective conscious think tank formats...such as those found in public schools...I am appalled at the fact that every organization that has a hand in being part of the big picture in government informs our future generations that all the answers to life's little questions can be found on the internet...if the entire World Wide Web crashed tomorrow and had NO hope of being brought back and I are going to find our homes filled with our own adult kids who CANNOT function because Facebook and Google are gone...what this nation needs is future generations full of ship righting boat rockers...such as those from my Momma's generation back in the heyday of the 60's...those people rallied and protested across the nation for their freedoms and beliefs...they didn't sit glued to a computer screen waiting for the next Top Story to post on some damn social network...yes technology has it's place but if you do NOT integrate it with common sense and the ability to think for yourself...then your kids are likely to become part of the OBESITY EPIDEMIC...NOBODY these days wants to go against the status quo...primarily because they FEAR the big brother format of federal government...they will be judged as mentally defective and possibly placed in restraint and shipped off to a holding cell to await sentencing to a mental institute...they fear repercussions against themselves or their families...they fear being investigated by the FBI...and I'll bet you and yours are included in one or more of these categories...and that my friends is the biggest form of mental disorder on the isn't the children born with a dysfunction or's you and I and our dumbed down mentality regarding how we are being trained to OBEY EVERYTHING THEY SAY WITHOUT RAISING A SINGLE QUESTION!!!  Enjoy the video and have a great weekend!!!

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