Monday, April 1, 2013


If you were born during the day, chances are you're a boy. If you were born at night, chances are you're a girl...

so sayeth the sayeth the mentally depraved...thus we must enjoy heated debate on this subject...listen if you were born during the day...chances are you have seen the light and are aware of all that is unsavory upon this Earth...if thoust was born at night...chances are you are still sitting around with your head up your ass listening to the natterings of those with an inherent lack of logical and cognitive thinking...I was born at night...and not just any night either...but Devil's Night...the darkest of nights if ever there were such a thing...and I am neither ignorant...nor do I require sitting for the purpose of vacating liquid waste water from my bowels...coincidentally my daughter was born during the day...and my sons at night...and while I view many of the things they do as assinine and ridiculous...they are far from ignorant...perhaps not as street wise as I would prefer...but book smart to beat the band...could they brawl their way out of a street fight like their old man was fond of doing back in his day...probably not...but there are sacrifices we make when raising our children and I do not regret a one of them...well I take that back...I'm really not fond of being stuck in Northern Michigan...but that is of my own damn doing and I'd rather not get side-tracked into relating that episode in ignorance...suffice to say I have learned from my mistakes and with a "do over" button I woulda moved an equatorial sand strewn beach environment before raising kids...(note to self...if reincarnation is proven to be an actual commodity associated with the afterlife...come back as a permanent resident of a sun soaked seaside society)... now I could be way out in left field here...but if memory serves...and that's a big f**kin' IF these days...(I got Momma visiting on a daily basis...and it may not be long before I am waiting on site before she gets outta bed and does her daily duties...p.s. go ahead and click on the link it actually works)...I seem to recall from science class that the sex of a baby was determined by something other than the abundance of light...or lack thereof...I believe it was chromosomal in nature...something to do with the genetics of the couple having conjunction with fast moving semen swimmers ...or as I like to call them...egg penetrating penis projectiles...while most infants are conceived during the absence of is not unheard of for barren female fallopian tubes to suddenly secrete ovum while the sun is a matter of fact...if historical data from the '60's is accurate...there was an enormous amount of free love that resulted in fertility functioning as it should...taking place during the hours of public places no less...ya damn hypocritical was alright to sink the pink in a park back in your day...with the whole world watching...but good lord don't abide by it now...your children would be corrupted by sexual practices opened to all of society...and if ya buy into that bullshit I have an overload of porn statistics I could throw your way that seem to indicate those you were aiming to protect...are keeping their habits hidden...not because they are embarrassed...but because you would be...I do not visit porn sites...NEVER have...but if I did...I would be hard pressed to determine how in the hell people get into half those positions...I mean far be it from me to point fingers and ridicule...but is that expression of agony...the ball gag...handcuffs...whips...chains...titty tuggers...and penis ring really necessary...that looks more painful than might be doing something wrong...I mean if that's what you are into...then by all means do NOT let me dissuade you...especially if it's my number you are calling as a potential partner...I would be curious to learn the fine art of fascistic fornication forums...I may be slightly out of it or completely unconscious after it...but I am all about providing others with pleasure...even if it means sacrificing my perspective on pleasure punching the pouty parts of the female body...judge me all you want...I told you I was born on the darkest night at the beginning of this blog...if that wasn't enough of a forewarning you haven't been reading here for very long...was it Richard Pryor who said..."Snort some Coke in a pile"...or am I confusing that with Bill Cosby saying..."Have a Coke and a smile"...either way you get the idea...if you were offended... relax..chances are I wasn't referring to you...(unless of course this is your personal f**king which case requests for my personal number can be directed to the comments section of this blog and will be replied to if photographic evidence of a revealing nature is attached)...aren't you glad you stopped by the hell out of a lukewarm cup of coffee to get ya going in the morning...doesn't it???

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