...and who is the genius behind this little morsel of information??? Why it would appear as if it came from the honolabuh Kolean scilentist...a leal Einstein of his ela...Doctol of Maline Biorogy...Un Duh Da Seah...whose part time hobbies include...insectrah gatheling...to accomplish this feat the honolabuh doctol Seah uses Japanese Saki soaked sushi to att...att...att -lack (I think he means attract...not real sure...let's see where this goes)...telmites...(you can push #1 for English at anytime during this post...and I will fong you like the little hyper red-headed dude in A Knight's Tale...there will be pain...lots and lots of pain)...as you are all aware some sushit (and NO...that is not a typographical error...have you tried this stuff...it's like kim-chee and fish emulsion wrapped in seaweed that smells like soiled dirty diapers)...consists of squid...that ink emitting amazing creature of the oceans aquarium...so I believe what the narrator is attempting to suggest is that this discovery was made while the good doctol was disposing of his leftover lunch by an enormous termite hill...I could be wrong though...it isn't too farfetched to imagine this coming from one of our very own federally funded fiascoes...where they authorize triple digit millions to further study interesting concepts like...brain mapping...while simultaneously singing songs of sequestration from the political pulpit...prophesying the outcome of this disastrous plan before spending a single dollar...one would hope...pray or at least think you would want brain worth mapping prior to setting aside millions of taxpayer money for a project doomed for failure...am I the only one that sees the irony of this cesspool system...where cutbacks are somehow always replaced with additional exercises in unnecessary expenditures??? What the hell is going on in this country today...if you woulda told my Grandpa Rebec that the federal government was spending his hard earned taxpayer dollars to fund research to determine if termites would follow a line drawn by an ink pen...he woulda gladly grabbed that pen in both hands and drawn a line with it...from the floor through your asshole to such depths you'da sworn you were being invaded by a microscopic insect once the termites trickled across your teeth...I abhor how passive the population has become...I am just waiting for the day when they announce the results of the testing conducted to see if cops actually waste more time at donut shops...than they do harassing people because of their inferiority complex...but I will be honest with you...I am hoping that this tidbit is factual...not that I have any termites of my own that I want to train for the flea circus...but it has given me an interesting new idea that I may just market...of course I will hafta do some checking with the copyright and patent people to see if I can even pull this off...but hell it may just be worth the time and trouble...don't tell anyone but here's the plan...Imma invest my life savings in Bic...that's right...the pen manufacturer...they already have all the ink dispensing products one could ever need...one I have control of the company through share holding acquisitions...I am going to corner the market on the termite extermination industry...I'll use the valuable skills I obtained through door to door sales techniques working for the Kirby Company...and walk from house to house selling personal pocket termite protectors...f**k off it'sa new niche...don't criticize me...95% of people who read that tidbit at another site are going to believe it without batting an eyebrow...some of them are at home right this minute drawing exit ramps for the termites to vacate the property...why wouldn't I try and maximize potential and earn a profit...they buy that bullsh*t they'll buy my pens at a slightly higher markup...it's economics people...supply and demand...as I now own the pen producing plant...I control the supply and therefore the price...NO I didn't take a class in economics...open your eyes you play the game everyday...usually at a higher rate than you should...seriously...you laugh now...just wait and see...in the near future there will be KMW's handheld termite eradicating tools in every household...please don't ask for a discount...I can ill afford to support the dumb...if you are waiting for the products to come out...you obviously misunderstood the meaning of this paragraph of pancakes dripping with syrupy sarcasm...Have a Great Weekend!!!
He have done great job with ink, I appreciate his contribution, actually I also work on ink dispensing system. Thanks