Thursday, January 5, 2012


The first modern toothbrush was invented in China.  Its bristles came from hogs hair or the mane of a horse & were put into ivory handles...

what did they use for those...oh so modern days of China...gunpowder???  I'm guessin that altho the invention of the toothbrush may have originated in wasn't an individual of Chinese descent that came up with the invention itself...I hafta believe that it was a visiting 'round eyed' dignitary who had envisioned this invention while stationed in China and used the materials available @ the time...I doubt anyone with the capacity to OPEN their eyes fully woulda been duped into shoving an elephant tusk wrapped in hog's hair into their mouths and across their teeth...this sounds more like somethin' out of an episode of the Flintstones...which as you may recall...depicted the modern technologies of their times...this is about as modern as using various plant life appendages for toilet paper...which begs to question...Did these modern times...shit where they ate???  Inventions like this sometimes fascinate me...if for NO other reason...than the thought processes's not like somebody just woke up one day with an epiphany...HEY WING WONG no gonna berieve dis...rast night i have prease help me to find hog's hail...and ivoly...I invent toofblush...OH TING TANG so clazy...nobody blush teef wif hog's hail...must use hail flom mane of holse...HA HA seldom if ever happens...@ some point in WING WONG WANG's life he had an aversion to left over food particles and the ensuing halitosis it would create...decided he could no longer run around town with glowing yellow teef, and set out to do something about the hell he came up with hog's hair or horse mane as the bristles is mind-boggling...ivory for a had probably been used in previous inventions in a similar manner...but developing a brush for the teeth using the coarse hair follicles of yesterday's dinner takes more than a deep sleep consisting of an opium induced dental cleaning dream...most often inventions like these pop-up thru some sort of mistake...trial and error...or by stumbling upon them without a previous clue...otherwise you'd hafta believe that somebody @ a numbah wan chinee westawant...looked @ a hair covered hog's back...and thought to themselves...I can't wait to run a few of those across my teeth...sure wish I had an elephants tusk to prop them up had you told me this invention originated in the deep south of good ole USA...I mighta been more apt to believe it...home of the terbacky spittin'...cow chip chuckin'...hog hollerin' contests...I'd hate to see what the Chinese consider post modern dental care...whadda they use for X-rays...a dingy lightbulb on a string...OPEN WIDE....AHHHHHH...(in goes the lightbulb)...NOW CLOSE...MMMMMMM...then they dance around the patient lookin @ the glow emanating from their cheeks to determine any cavities...damn glad I didn't live in the good old days of modern China...I have enough trouble tryin to keep my ass from crawling out of my own dentists chair...I can't imagine being strapped to the torture table in the office of DDS I. Plik n Poke and his faithful assistant Wan Sum Gum!!!

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