Monday, December 3, 2012


I feel it necessary to begin this post with something I posted on Facebook regarding gun control in this light of the recent tragedy surrounding the Kansas City Chiefs and the murder/suicide of one of their players and his wife...a very prominent figure in the sports world made some ridiculous associations about guns and their potential for creating fatal is therefore with NO remorse I made the following comment to great applause...
Bob Costas is a is ANYONE with an issue promoting gun control...blaming guns for causing murder is akin to blaming pencils for misspelling's the PERSON utilizing the instrument that is DIRECTLY responsible for how it performs...homicidal maniacs will KILL people whether they have a gun or NOT...whadda we gonna do if you take all the guns away...start banning rope...knives and prescription pills...I don't see any of these industries taking a hit for promoting SUICIDE...whadda buncha asshat lickin' idiots!!!

If a Japanese Kamikaze pilot wanted out of the program he was executed as a traitor...

Well now...isn't that a nice kick in the keister...can't win for losing in that situation...and to be honest with ya...I couldn't care less...two nuclear bombs apparently wasn't enough of a warning for future suicidal bombers...twice our country has been 'attacked'...and I use that term loosely...since on both occasions our government had ample forewarning...which doesn't say much about our own potential for adhering to the age old adage that 'history repeats itself'...which in and of itself is a ridiculous saying...history does NOT repeat itself...PEOPLE who do NOT adhere to the lessons learned previously are DOOMED to resort to repetitive efforts of failure with rambunctious ramifications...when are people going to WTFU...(wake the f**k up)...the Japanese Kamikaze program is DIRECTLY responsible for the promotion of suicidal bombers...and while these zealots are capable of creating huge fatalities when they are successful in their endeavors...the times have changed...the disgruntled Kamikaze pilot was given the opportunity to DIE honorably for their country...or commit ritualistic suicide in the form of Seppuku...or Hara-Kiri...either voluntarily or at the hands of their master...much like the the modern era of suicide bombing...those tasked with performing an unpleasant utilization of killing massive amounts of people in the name of Allah...face the same situation...if they want out of the program all they have to do is push a button or pull a string...preferably in an unpopulated area of the Earth...our country has failed to pick up on the promise of promoting this type of action during war...we continue to spend and send soldiers to sand laden situations where they are NOT needed...yes we have a responsibility to ensure the safety of other people subject to unethical treatment and torture...HOWEVER...we also have an over populated prison system...chock full of people we have deemed unfit for social activities...rather than continue to spend countless millions on munitions...why don't we train these tools to fly an airplane...we can skip the landing class schedules...since their primary targets of interest are going to be buildings full of people we want to punish...I know...I know...some of you are thinking...well that's just barbaric...we cannot condone such a classless act of which I say...BULLSHIT...think of all the problems this little program would would create more jobs...somebody hasta build the airplanes being used...populations in prison would decrease...saving taxpayers several trillion pennies per year...we give the prison pilot just enough fuel to get to the intended target...NO more bombs...bullets or bloodied American boys required...just a buncha shiny silver cigar shaped suicide shuttles...I'm sure some of you are wondering just how effective a program of this magnitude will be...take a look at the statistics...Prison populations = overcorwded...Unemployment rates = skyrocketing...Amount of airplanes available = significantly less than required...all the parameters are in place for making this a successful addition to the inventory of our current's either that...or we start relocating our unwanted to these a role reversal rectifying requiem...send our prisoners to their parts of the planet...then they can take out these misnomered insurgents can take out their hostilities on Americans from the comfort of their own homes...I personally prefer the Prison Pilot Program for performing penance...although I must confess...I shall NOT however promote the false promise of a vast variety of virgins awaiting you in the afterlife...your moments of baggin' little Mattress Back Mary are over...all you can do now is pay for your sins...or continue sittin in your cell...ya know...the survival of the fittest is going to make me awful lonesome one day!!!

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